Chapter 8

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Stiles POV

I stepped out of teh shower changed into some black skinny jeans and a flannel. I rushed down the stairs. Im not going to lie i was excited to see Derek. isaac smiled as he recognized the scent of my mood. 

"I knew it. I called it." He boasted. 

"Uhm isaac can i ask you a couple questions?" I looked at the ground. "can derek smeel my feelings to? And can you tell me what he feels like when im like i guess you could say cuddling with him..?" I stammered embarrased. 

"Ok yes to both. Ill text you what he smells like and when ok?" Isaac said. 

"Thanks!" I grinned. 

We ran to the car, well i guess you could say i ran and pulled isaac with me. But thats a matter of perspective. I say ran. Whatever though. I headed off to dereks house, may or may not have been speeding. Ok i was going 60 in a 30 mph zone but it didnt really matter. As we pulled up i texted my dad "Staying at friends", as soon as i hit send i felt nervous. What if I blow it? What if i still cant sleep? thats why im there, maybe he'd kick me out.  

"No need to be nervous, he'll smell it and laugh." Isaac tried to comfort me. 

I just walked in and went straight to the living room, and there was Derek working out. Derek looked up at me and half smiled. My phone buzzed I had a text from Isaac. 

From: Little Pup ^.^

He is nervous. LIKE ALOT

To: Little Pup ^.^ 

Are you sure its not me?

Derek POV

Why are they texting eachother?  Oh my god. Derek stop getting nervous over a teenage boy. You need to calm down. WAIT CAN ISAAC SMELL ME? I dont think so? CALM DOWN DEREK. Ok, im composing myself. Im alright. 

"Hey derek," Stiles shyly smiled. Annnnnndddd im nervous again. RESPOND DEREK. Jesus im the most unmanly alpha ever. 

"Hey." I responded trying to remain monotone. Ok derek dont look in to those big adorable brown eyes or at that slight blush creeping up on him. Yup there goes all your badassery. Gone. 

"Im here too guys." Isaac pointed out. Focus on isaac. Isaac noticed and very quickly messaged someone. Oh looky therestiles phone went off. yup. They were talking about me. Frack. 

"So whatcha guys talking about?" I accidentaly said aloud. Stiles immediatly turned red. Isaac bit his lip to prevent laughing. 

"We erm.. I.." Stiles stammered. Isaac burst out laughing he couldnt hold it. He fell down he was laughing so hard, he even started to cry. This of course made me and stiles laugh  not as hard but a little bit.  Mostly a nervous chuckle, but hey a laughs a laugh.  When Isaac got up he looked at me and then at stiles he had this big goofy grin like he knew what was going on and no one else did. What if he knows i like stiles? STOP THINKING THAT HE'LL SENSE IT. Ok. Uhm. think! Stiles. NO! my car, creepy peter, stiles. GOD DAMMIT. I looked at the clock to occupy my mind. It was 9:00. 

"So stiles its getting late why dont you two get comfy?" Isaac said with a wink to me. "Im going to bed." 

And just like that i was left alone with stiles. I smelt his emotions of happiness and nervousness. I motioned to the couch and turned off the light. The only light was the dim glow of the tv. Stiles sat right up against me, he was obviously tired. His phone buzzed but he didnt seem to notice, I mean he didnt grab it when he left to go to the bathroom. I looked at it wondering what they had talken about. I couldnt handle it i grabbed it and flipped to previous messages. Oh shit. Oh no. Isaac had told him. I AM GOING TO RIP HIS THROAT OUT WITH MY TEETH. Another text came in. 

From: Little Pup^.^


I put Stiles phone back and pulled out mine.

To: Baby Beta

Consider yourself dead. 

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