Chapter 10

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Stiles POV 

"Stiles I really like you, and i have for a while. I wasnt sure how to approach it because i dont like to show my emotions. But i feel open with you. Will you give us a try?"  Derek asked after our lips separated. I was in pure bliss. But i had to answer, i mean when  an attractive person asks you out you dont just be like no. 

"Of course" I answered grinning from ear to ear. I leaned against his chest, i was tired. He seemed to understand and snaked his arms around my waist protectively. He kissed my forehead as i snuggled closer to his body. He was so warm, as if he was my personal heater. He began singing softly Firefly by Ed Sheeran, the last i can remember before i fell asleep was him singing in an angelic voice :

Close your eyes

Lean on me

Face to mouth

Lips to cheek

Feeling numb

In my feet

You're the one

To help me

Get to sleep


"Stiles, time to wake up. You have school." Dereks soft voice stole me from sleep. 

"Do i have too?" I groaned, i didnt want to go anywhere. I liked it here. 

"Stiles, you should. School is important. Now get up and ill make you some breakfast ok?" Derek stated. I humphed and got up. Isaac happily walked into the room. I hate mornings. And morning people. You know what? Everything sucks in the morning. Except Derek. Dereks good. Gosh I like Derek. 

"EARTH TO STILES. Breakfast is ready." Isaac mocked my tiredness. I slugged to the table to find a spectacular breakfast, eggs, toast, pancakes, bacon. This was much better than cereal. Jesus im tired. Ok time for food! I pile my plate and see Derek smirk when I finish it all. 

"Im gonna go now, I dont wanna be late. Ready Isaac?" I said planting a small kiss on Dereks cheek. His face had a light blush and it was adorable. He'd kill me if i said that he, the super hot alpha was "adorable".  Isaac and i walked to the car, Isaac ahead because he was paranoid around Derek. Even though i know for a fact Derek wouldnt kill him as he promised. As soon as we were in the car he relaxed. I decided to scare him. 

"Why is Derek running at the car?!" I asked panicked. Isaac was out of the car running before i had time to tell him it was a joke. I began to laugh so hard i cried, I couldnt even breathe. Isaac with his super were wolf hearing must've found out a little to late and he huffed back into  the car. 

"I hate you." He stated. 

"I love you too." I replied still laughing at how he reacted. 


"So are you and Derek official then?!" Lydia asked. Well more like squeeled. 

"Shh! I want to tell scott by myself. Hes back at school now and i dont want him hearing it from you." 

"I KNEW IT! I am the master of ships!" Lydia gloated.

"Hush!" I mock scolded her. 

"Can i tell danny? Pleeeaaaasseeee! He's trust worthy!" She begged. 

"Fine. ONLY Danny." I made that clear. I needed to Scott had to hear it from me. Lydia ran off in search of Danny. She looked so happy and accomplished it made everyone around her smile. Lydia was amazing, but i have finally, after years, gotten over her. I walked to the cafteria, it was time for Stiles to get food! After i grabbed some lunch i sat at the table next to lydia and Danny. Danny played it off like he didnt know anything but Lydia looked so guilty. I kicked her under the table to signal to tone it down. She understood and a complete poker face was masked on before Scott arrived. My phone buzzed.

From: Danny #6

Hey Lydia told me what happened and can we talk out side after we eat? 

I looked at him and smiled as a confirmation. We finished our lunch and walked out together, which is basically the norm for our group, pairs of people walking out together. Not like it was unusual, so Scott didnt think anything of it. 

"So you and Miguel huh?" Danny smiled laughing at past memories. "How'd you guys like become a couple?" 

"Well a few days ago I hit a dog and the vet was closed so i took it there," I started. Had it really only been a few days. "And instead of going back home i stayed there because you know Isaac lives there. Then I came back last night and we kissed, and here we are now." I blushed

"Thats so sweet!" Danny swooned. I blushed. Danny was a good friend. 

"Except... I dont know how to tell scott." I looked up at Danny.

"Does your dad know?" Danny asked kindly. 

"Annnndd I need to tell him too." I grimiced.  Thatll be a great conversation. Hey dad remember that fugitive killer guy Derek? Well I am dating him and have spent the night with him twice. Btw I like boys if you didnt tell.

"Ok make one each private. You know personal, maybe out in the woods. For scott Derek might help to be there. But for your dad i think its best to be private. And the rest is just from the heart ok?"  I pulled Danny into a hug. He really was an amazing friend. As I walked to class I texted scott and derek. 

To: Scotty Boy!:P 

Hey can i talk to you today after school?

To: Mr. Sourwolf(; <3

Hey I want you to come with me today so i can tell scott about us. Is that alright? x

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