Chapter 16

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Stiles Pov

I woke up in a dark room. A single bulb was in the middle of the room hanging from a wire. There was a queen sized bed under the light and i was chained to the bed post at the end. In the corners and everywhere else was pure darkness.No windows, no escape. It looked like a set of a scary movie. Or serial killer one. Frack. Im gonna die. 

"Someones up earlier than I thought." A mesmerizing voice came from all around me. 

"Are you  going to kill me?" I asked petrified. 

"No sweetie. Maybe hurt you a bit but your to pretty to kill." The sweet voice called. 

"Thanks? Why am I here?" My voice quavered. I heard laughter, it was sweet and evil all rolled into one. 

"I needed someone to-" She paused giggling. "Play with."  My eyes opened realizing what she meant.  

"You do know i am a virgin and dating someone right?" I replied slightly embarrassed.

"Mmmhm." She laughed a little more. 

"And that im gay." I asked testing her limits.

"Yup. Im gonna fix that though." She giggled flirtatiously.

"Im not broken. I need to fixing." I stated. (a/n musicandrazorblades (; .) 

"So you need to be broken to be mine." Her voice grew dark. I instantly knew i said the wrong thing. I saw her step out of the shadows. She was beautiful. She had dirty blode/light brown hair that went a little past her shoulders, and strange purple eyes with shades of blue in them. She was thin, but not just bones. Her leather jacket stood out against her skin, and she had several rings that shimmered in the small light. She almost reminded me of a girl Derek. I hope he is alright. She walked over to me. Put her lips to my ear.

"I can break you easily." She whispered heavily. "Need a demonstration?" She punched me in the face. The rings dug in to my skin and made me bleed. Took a step back her heels clicked on the floor. 

"Now i see you're broken, at least your skin is. Do you want me to fix that? Or do you want an arm to match." Her voice was sinister. She took my silence as permission to fix it. She walked over to me and lifted my chin up. Our eyes met and she smiled sickly as she lent in and licked the blood off of my cheek. The cuts healed. What the hell is this thing. 

"Now i must go to school love," She pouted." kiss me goodbye and I might let you know my name." She winked at the end. She moved in and placed her lips against mine. I didnt respond. 

"Now that wasnt a kiss." Her polished nails dug into my skin drawing blood. "One more try." I kissed her back. I didnt want to be hurt. She clicked her way into the darkness. 

"Jena's the name babe." She chuckled as she escaped somehow out of the darkness. 

Jena's POV

I changed into a tanktop with "love" written in galaxy,some shorts, sandals and popped in hazel contacts. Nothing to catch the eye, I had to remain average. No one to suspect Stiles in my home. I smirked as I drove to school. Time to play sweet and innocent. My favorite disguise. I walked into the school looking "confused", I found one. A target to fall for me and disapear. He had short kind of curly brown hair, a scarf and was pale. I "accidentaly" bumped into him while looking at my shedule. 

"Im so sorry!" I forced a blush onto my face. "Could you tell me where english with Mrs. O'Brien is?" 

"Well thats my class. Ill show you." He smiled at me. "My names Isaac what about you?" 

"Jena." I smiled sweetly at him. Little did he know I was plotting his death. 

"Where are you from, Jena?" He casually asked on our way to class. 

"Small town in washington, Wenatchee." I remained happy and sweet. 

"Awesome. You living with your family or moved out?"

"All on my own." I  flirted. 

"I have two roommates." His smile faded. "Well had." 

"What happened?" I pretended to care. 

"One of them is missing and the police refuse to help." He looked sadly. 

"Im sorry," I looked up at him batting my eyelashes. 

"His name was Stiles, he is pale and has big brown eyes. If you see him tell me. His boyfriend really misses him." He choked out the words. Perfect, I can take over a household! I laughed inside my head. On the outside i managed to keep a sympathetic look somehow. God, this was going to be a fun place. 

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