Chapter 11

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I paced the wood waiting for Scott and Derek to arrive. I felt nervous, what if Scott hated me for being me? What would I do? If he didnt accept me how would my dad? He is all I have left for family. No grandmas, no aunts. All only children that parents are dead. Just like mom. Tears well up in my eye then Derek emerges from the trees. 

"Stiles," He ran up to me. "Why are you crying. Who did this." He held me. 

"Its just memories Derek." I half laughed half cried. 

"Well in a way they brought us together." He smiled trying to make me feel better. It helped a little. Then he kissed me softly just for a second. Yupp. Im better. I wish I could continue kissing him. Maybe thats how i should tell Scott. Just as the thought enters my mind he appears from the forest. He look unsure of whats going on. I sighed. Derek moved away for now. 

"Scott theres something I need to tell you ok?" I said unsteady on what to say. 

"Are you ok?" Scott asked anxiously. 

"I am amazing, the best i've felt since mom died. I am in a realationship." I stated. 

"Dont tell me Allisons cheating." His face grew pale. Derek tensed jealously. It was hot. 

"Nonono!" I assured him. "Its not allison, or any girl at all." Derek stepped toward me. 

"You're gay?" Scott asked. 

"Yes. Stiles and I are dating." Derek answered for me. 

"Duude! With Derek!" Scott said. 

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively. 

"I owe Lydia 20 bucks." 

"What?" Derek and I asked in unison. 

"We've had this bet for a while..." Scott said embarrased. 

"Well this went better than expected." I smiled. "Now time for the old man..." I bit my lip. I was scared. Dad is not like Scott. Derek sensed how upset I was and held my hand reassuringly. 

"I am going to Allisons. Text me what happens ok?" Scott awkwardly said as he walked off. 

"Derek im scared." My eyes got wet. 

"Hey, dont get upset. It'll be ok. I know you want to do this on your own but I'll be there. You wont see me but ill be there just a call away." Derek looked into my eyes. "Stiles it will be alright." I stared back into his beautiful grey green eyes. He embraced me for a moment and said good luck as he walked away for me too dirve home. It was dads day off. I can do this. Nothing will happen. Just breath. I pulled into the driveway and walked in. 

"Dad, we need to talk. Ok?" I started trying not to let my voice quaver staring at my feet.

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