Chapter 21

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"Won't people think that we are Marly's parents?" Dylan asked as he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers.

"Who cares. We won't know the people."

"True." I opened the door to the Kirkpatrick's and let myself in.

"CALLIE!!" Marly yelled. I laughed and picked her up.

"You're all fancy." I said pulling down her dress.

"Yeah!" I smiled and went to Leah.

For some reason every year in March my dad had a costume party for all of his friends and family. It was fun, so I heard. Us kids could never go, but maybe it was for a good reason. I don't know.

"Wow, you look ah-mazing." I told her. She looked up then back down to her outfit.

"You think?" She was dressed as a cheerleader- I'd say she fit into her old costume.

"I thought she looked sexy." Ben said and kissed his wife. She laughed and pushed him away.

"Mr K, football player?" Dylan asked from behind. He slipped his hand into the back pocket of my skinny jeans.

"Only to match my wife."

"Your parents will be there right?" Leah asked me. Dylan's fingers moved inside my pocket. I didn't do anything about it though, not yet. Plus, if I did anything Ben and Leah would act differently about the two of us babysitting. 

"Yeah. They wanted me to tell you that after they wanted to go out and eat. We'll watch Mars until you get home." She smiled. Dylan pinched my butt, but I refrained from jumping.

"You'd really be up to that?" She asked.

"You two can even stay out late."

"What's our curfew?" Ben asked.

"Back by three or your phones will be taken away." Dylan joked pointing at Ben. We all laughed and Marly joined too.

"Anytime. We don't mind." I said.

I hugged them and kissed their cheeks as they were going to leave.

"Love you." Leah said to Marly.

"Love you mommy!" The two of us said. Leah was like my second mother. I've known for for the longest time.

A couple minutes after Ben and Leah left, we began to leave.

"You are so lucky I didn't say anything." I whispered to Dylan as I walked around the car. He smiled and winked.

"And you're lucky that I didn't do anything more." I blushed and looked away. Truth is, I wanted him to do more.

"Ready for lots of fun, Marly?" Dylan asked beginning the drive to the city we were taking Marly to.

"Yeah!!" She yelled and smiled. Dylan chuckled and grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers. I looked up to him and he looked at me adding a wink.

"I'm beat! I didn't even do as much as the two of you." Dylan said as I opened the front door.

Marly fell asleep as soon as we got into the jeep. Before a movie we decided to take Marly to one of those places were there were trampolines and things all over.

She began to snore and I quietly left the room.

"How come she got like two bags of candy?" Dylan asked staring at the candy when I came down the steps.

"Because she wanted some." He threw his head back and ran his hands down his face.

"Callie." He groaned. He was tired, but I knew he didn't want to fall asleep just yet. Not when he was being touchy the entire time.

"It's only eleven." I smiled as I bent down and put my lips close to Dylan's ear. "And I don't think they will get home for another couple of hours." I whispered then kissed him under his ear. He shivered and then grabbed my hands from his chest and pulled me to him.

I laughed as he pulled me down into his lap.

"Lets not waste anytime then and get back to what I wanted to do earlier." I smiled into the kiss.


Hey!! It's El here, obviously. I know the chapter isn't a big one and its obviously not the best one. It's an update though. It's short because I stayed home from school sick and I have nothing else to do (I also have this really bad headache and its hard to concentrate). It sucks!!!! But I'll write more this weekend.

Thank you for reading everyone! I can't believe that this story has like 7K reads!! All of you are so amazing!!

Well I hope all of you enjoyed this!?

Love, El

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