Chapter 17: Amnesia and Awakening

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Harry stared at the door. Malfoy sure went to a lot of trouble on this one, he reflected. He could remember the many insults and hexes they’d hurled at each other; this was just like those times. He had to hand it to Malfoy – the lie had seemed pretty believable at first. Familiar, as if it were truth. But it wasn’t. That was stupid.

He snorted, turning back to the photo album, and shutting it. Although, Malfoy sure wasn’t giving up on this one…why keep insisting that something was true, even after the lie was found out? It made no sense. The hurt look in Malfoy’s eyes was strange too. It was difficult to fake an emotion that strongly.

And the pictures…

Harry opened the book once more, flipping through the pages, until he found what he was looking for. He and Malfoy were grinning at whomever the memory was from. Malfoy had an arm around his neck, and he was trying to get away from the grip. Their mouths moved, but no words could be heard. Harry sort of wanted to know what was being said.

He turned the page. He was smiling at Malfoy…odd. Maybe they were friends…but soulmates? He scoffed at that. Probably just Malfoy teasing him. Harry’s eyes roved to the next picture.

He continued to look through the pictures, stopping when the album ended. He had a frown on his face, as he tried to process all of the information he had. There was a slight niggling at the back of his mind, like he was missing something. Something important. His gaze fell on his hand, and he stared at it.

How had he missed that? There was a ring on his left hand. Married? To who? Wasn’t he rather young? They told him he would be turning eighteen in a few months…and maybe some witches and wizards got married around then…but why? And who on earth would he marry? Cho Chang? No, that one faded. Ginny then? Ron would murder him before letting anyone marry his sister. And she was too young anyways.

The niggling sensation grew, and at first he fought it, before recognizing the sensation. There was something to be remembered.

“Aaugh!” A headache unexpectedly stabbed at him, and he fell back against the pillows, writhing in pain.

He held onto Malfoy’s arm, saving him from plunging to his death…only it wasn’t Malfoy…it was Draco. Gazing into Draco’s eyes after they were both safely in the tower…

Crabbe taking the curse meant for Hermione…

Draco being held by his father, fear on his face…

The rescue, and Nott’s betrayal…

Feelings of love, of contentment, of fear, of happiness…

He turned, to see Draco smiling softly at him…

Suddenly, more memories filled his mind, flowing in a nonsensical pattern, mashed together. Faster…faster…

“Avada Kedavra!” Green light flashed, and Hermione’s voice rang out.

“Noooo!” He was surprised to hear his own voice. Then he saw the reason for it. Ron fell, his familiar freckled face frozen in time, determined until the end to fight for his best friend…

Only one more Horcrux to go…but they couldn’t find it.

A fire lit up the room…Draco sat across from him. They leaned closer together…Their lips sealed in a gently passionate kiss…

Snape sat beside his bed, while Draco held his hand. Snape was explaining something about creature inheritances…

Nervousness filled him, as Mrs. Weasley fussed with his collar. Why was he wearing dress robes? Hermione looked sad, but happy at the same time…Ron should have been there…

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