New Partnerships

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Unable to sleep that night Muriah lay in her bed listening to the sounds of the Vulcan desert. Looking out her window she noticed a lone figure pacing back and forth. Muriah got out of bed and made her way towards the garden. Tiberius stopped and looked at her. The sounds of the night seemed to implode on Muriah's already frayed nerves as she took a step towards him. For a moment neither spoke as they encircled one another. "It is a beautiful night is it not?" Tiberius purred.

Muriah looked up at him seeing him for the first time in full moonlight. His green eyes glowed in amusement as she studied every feature. A small sardonic smile destroyed the illusion that he was a Vulcan. As he leaned down Muriah reached up and traced her finger down his aquiline jaw. Warmth flooded her body as she watched Tiberius' body shiver. He desired her. Muriah drew back her hand in surprise.

"Does it shock you that I find you alluring?" Tiberius whispered as he reached for her waist.

Muriah's eyes grew large as he drew her closer. "I am a half-breed a twisted experiment. Why would you want me?"

Tiberius wanted to grab Muriah and make love to her under the desert stars they their ancestors had done on Vulcan centuries before, but instead he spoke to her in a gentle tone. "As you have offered your mind to me for healing, I will now offer my mind to you. Sit down with me."

Though afraid Muriah sat down next to him and let him place his fingers alongside of her face. As she closed her eyes Tiberius' voice soothed her. "Feel what I feel, see what I see."

Muriah saw Tiberius as a boy. She watched him develop in the space of a heartbeat. Though he shielded her from the angst of his growing pains Muriah felt his loneliness. It was palatable like her own. She felt Tiberius' sense of not belonging, his futile search for a mate and then his alliance with the Vulcan alliance. Then her mind became engulfed in the backlash of Tiberius' passion for her. Muriah's eyes flew open when she realized that she lay resting in Tiberius' arms. Tears filled her eyes as she touched his face. Without a word he bent down, placed his lips on hers and then whispered words of comfort against her neck.

Spock watched as Tiberius took Muriah in his arms. When he was certain that Muriah was there willingly he turned away. Reciting a meditation in his mind Spock longed to take Uhura in his arms just the way Tiberius had done with Muriah. After an hour of attempted meditation, he gave up. As far as he knew there wasn't a meditation to block someone like Uhura from one's mind and body.

Though Muriah and Tiberius attempted to shield the others from their growing romance, they were not successful. The conversation at the noon meal was awkward and it was with relief when they all heard a squalling noise outside."What is that?" Muriah asked aloud.

"It sounds like an animal in distress," Amanda replied as she grabbed her first aid kit.

"Mother," Spock chastised, "be careful."

Before the men could stop them Amanda and Muriah were already out the door. As Spock and Tiberius started to approach Amanda motioned them away. "Get back. It's a young, injured Selyan Desert Cat."

"I'm a healer. I can be of assistance," Tiberius whispered as he approached the two women and the young cat.

The cat looked up at Tiberius and hissed as he reached towards it. Closing his eyes, he exuded calmness. The cat's hisses died down as it lay on its side and allowed Tiberius to reach forward and disentangle it from the shrubbery that was wound tightly around its leg.

Muriah watched in amazement as Tiberious soothed the cat until it lay purring in his arms. In delight she reached towards it. The large, white cat eyed her in a speculative manner and then continued to purr. Muriah smiled as she cooed to the cat. "She is so beautiful. I used to have a Selyan Cat as a child."

Tiberius carried the cat inside and after examining her shook his head. "She will live, but will never be able to walk without a gait. She won't be able to survive in the wild. Feel free to get a second opinion but I am seeing too much damage to the cartilage."

"We will have to find a household willing to take her in," Spock commented as he sighed.

"I will take her," Muriah said cooed to the cat. As if she understood the cat wriggled in Tiberius' arms.

Spock arched an eyebrow. "Selyan Cats are prone to fits of temper. You must spend time with her to see if she will accept you. I will attempt to reassure the cat so that you can touch her."

Spock closed his eyes and then reached for the cat. A few moments later, Spock pulled his arm back as grey-green blood from the scratches appeared on his skin. "It would seem that she does not need my reassurance."

Muriah stifled a laugh as she said, "She is lovely and I am sure we are going to be great friends."

To Spock's annoyance Tiberius grinned at him as he stroked the cat's soft underbelly. "It appears that she has already made her choice."

Spock raised an eyebrow as he replied, "So it would seem."

Muriah bowed her head and then looked up at Spock. "Tiberius and I are considering a partnership. I have no one to ask. Do you approve?"

Spock looked at Muriah and Tiberius as they stood there looking at him. Their faces so full of hope. "Where will you live?"

Tiberius stepped forward as he said, "If our courtship is successful then we will live on a mining colony planet not far from Romulus. They have no healer and I think I could be of use. Slavery is also not allowed on the planet so we could also assist any refugees that might need our guidance."

Muriah stepped forward. "I have plans for a center that would held slaves assimilate into society."

Spock frowned. "The mining colonies are harsh."

Tiberius stood next to Muriah and leaned into her. The cat protested the movement but then nestled back down in Tiberius' arms. "If she agrees to be my consort. I will take care of her."

Spock nodded. "Then may you both live long and prosper."

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