Knight in Shinning Armor

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Kirk swallowed down his fear as he ran over to a wall signal. “Kirk to bridge,” he panted. The only sound that echoed back at him was a crackling sound. “Kirk to bridge,” Kirk shouted.

Finally, a faint reply came through. “Lieutenant Uhura, here sir.”

Kirk could feel rivers of blood running down his face as they went from body temperature then to room temperature, ignoring their spider like crawling down his face Kirk spoke into the wall unit,” Lieutenant Uhura, where is Lieutenant Saylor?”

Even through the static Kirk could not mistake the slight tremor in Uhura’s voice, “He’s dead sir.”

Kirk looked down at the ground, feeling his chest tighten, like he always did when a crew member was lost. “Uhura, send an emergency message to Starfleet.”

“I’ve tried sir, but all frequencies are jammed.” Uhura replied softly.

Kirk swore, ignoring the dizziness that threatened to overtake him, “I’m on my way, Uhura, Kirk out.”

As he turned to leave, Kirk had almost forgotten about Spock’s presence until he laid a restraining hand on Kirk’s shoulder, “Captain, you are badly injured. You must go to sick bay.”

Kirk whirled around as he staggered to keep his balance, “Spock, I’ve got to get up there. I’ve got to save what’s left of my ship.”

“Captain,” Spock began, “I don’t think that…”

Kirk grabbed Spock by the shoulders. “I don’t give a damn what you think, Spock. The Enterprise and all 430 crew members are probably going to die because of you Vulcans and all your secrets. If you’re going to think, think about that.” Without another word Kirk ran towards the turbo lift, as Spock hurried after him and for the first time Kirk noticed that their steps weren’t synchronized

Kirk and Spock rushed through the corridors of the Enterprise, ignoring the dead and dying. Once they were inside the turbo-lift, Kirk let Spock steady him. “Spock, I’m sorry. I know this isn’t your fault.”

Spock acknowledged Kirk’s apology with a calmness that Kirk found irritating. “Spock, I envy you for its times like these that I wish I could purge my emotions.”

Spock didn’t reply for how could Kirk know that he was about to vomit at the thought of Uhura having to face this battle without him to protect her.

As the turbo-lift doors swished open, Kirk was not prepared for the scene. Lieutenant Uhura sat in the command chair bravely giving orders, trying her best to ignore Lieutenant Saylor’s eviscerated body that lay at her feet and even though Lieutenant Uhura’s uniform was red; Kirk could see the arterial spray that covered the front of her clothing as well as part of her neck.

Spock was by Uhura’s side in an instant leading her to his science station and even though he could hear the steady beat of her heart rate, Spock gently spoke into her hear, “Uhura, are you alright?”

Uhura looked up at him her eyes red from the smoke on the bridge, her hands shaking from the adrenaline that coursed through her system. Spock could tell that she was about to slip into shock, so he looked around the bridge, Kirk was already barking out orders to the crew, so Spock turned his attention back to Uhura. Slowly, he put his fingers to her temple and the side of her blood sprayed face. “Uhura, my mind to your mind, your thoughts are my thoughts,” he whispered.

Like magic the Enterprise disappeared and Spock flooded Uhura’s horrified mind with peace, and though Spock tried to control it some of the love and desire he felt for her entwined its way into her thoughts, and Spock was surprised, mentally gasping when his mind touched a reciprocal desire in Uhura, a red hot need that almost made him faint. Quickly, he tore his hand away and then led Uhura to her station. And as a Romulan voice filled the bridge, Spock reached out and took Uhura’s hand in his own.

“Spock, are we going to die?” Uhura asked in wonder for it felt as if she were in a dream, sounds and sights all far away, only Spock seemed real.

“Uhura, I do not know. However, I am by your side, and will die before I let anyone lay a hand on you.” Uhura heard the voice and later wasn’t sure whether Spock had spoken aloud or in her mind.

The Romulan’s face filled the screen as he gloated, “Captain Kirk, this is Commander Rath, prepare to be boarded.”

Uhura knew she should be afraid but as Spock continued to hold her hand, Uhura, knew that Spock would do what he must, he would never let her suffer for he was just like a knight in shining armor; he was there to protect her.

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