You Get What you Speak

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A few hours later, Kirk, McCoy and Spock sat in Kirk’s quarters contemplating their situation before their shifts started.

Spock sighed, “Well, Spock you are certainly full of surprises.”

Spock cocked his head to one side, “Why thank you, Captain.”

McCoy snorted, “I don’t think it was a compliment, Spock.”

Spock was about to retort when Kirk held up his hands, “Gentlemen please, you can argue later.”

For a moment they complied and then Kirk looked absent mindedly at a point just above Spock’s head and said softly, “It’s just a hunch, but I’m pretty sure there must be another interested party in Muriah and we’re out here all alone, just waiting to be picked off.”

McCoy spread his hands, “Jim, the Enterprise is highly capable and besides you get what you speak.”

Kirk frowned, “Bones, enough with the gypsy fortune telling. It’s just that I feel…” Kirk’s words were cut short as he was suddenly thrown off balance, followed by a low rumbling. For a moment everything was silent and then all hell broke loose as red alert lights lit up throughout the ship followed by the words, “This is not a drill. I repeat this is not a drill. The Enterprise is under attack.”


Commander Rath smiled for the Enterprise-his prey would be in range soon. He leaned forward in his command chair and gestured towards his communications officer. “Inform Sub-Commander Talerth that the Enterprise is almost within range. Cloak on my signal. Commander Rath off,” He snapped.

Commander Talerth sat back in her chair in satisfaction for she had just dispatched a probe, a probe that would get her executed if discovered. The crew was ripe for mutiny which would be a distraction that would work in her favor. Many of the crew felt that Talerth was too militant for she always carried a silver nosed terrorist gun over her shoulder however after the incident on space dock 11 no one doubted that she could or would use it.

The voice of the communications officer coming over her intercom, jolted Talerth out of her inward contemplations.

“We are receiving the order to cloak, commander.” The communications officer stated, his voice quivering with excitement at the thought of battle.

Commander Talerth answered back, “Yes I’m on my way, prepare to do so.”

Talerth had only been on the bridge a few moments when the Enterprise came into view and she gasped as the beauty of the ship’s glistening white hull floated within range and for a moment Talerth felt sad, for it was a shame to destroy such a beautiful work of art. However, a few moments later she herself gave the command to fire upon the Enterprise, and as angry red welts began to disfigure the Enterprise’s hull; two more birds of prey began to fire on her as well. One bird of prey dissolved in a bright, green flash, but Talerth wasn’t distracted for she had seen enough battles to know that the Enterprise was finished. Dark holes spotted the Enterprise’s exterior as she floundered helplessly in the inky, blackness of space. Growing impatient with the blood thirstiness of the crew Talerth sat up straighter and snapped out curtly, “Enough toying with the Enterprise finish her.”

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