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he carries on walking, sweeping his furry gloved hand across the counter before disappearing. sophia opens her mouth to whisper however clamps it shut when the second rabbit follows a few feet behind, his head diverting all directions as he searches with looming eyes.

they hold their breaths, swallowing even though their throats are dry.

"we should go check the waltzers." the first rabbit says, glancing back at the other rabbit lingering behind. he nods and follows as they begin to walk into the depths of the fairground towards the waltzers.

they all let out a breath of relief in unison, wiping their clammy hands on their jeans as they relax their bodies. sophia tightens the tear of flannel around her leg and feels her stomach turning at the blood that has soaked her leg. it's excrutiating to walk on and glance at.

"that's at the front of the fair," michael whispers. "they're off to the waltzers, this gives us an opportunity."

luke nods and bites down on his lip. "how do we plan on getting out then?"

michael sucks in a breath and rests his body against the back of the counter again. "we should think for a moment and stay here just incase they come back. maybe they're tricking us."

"i don't think they are," sophia points out. she peers over the top, her breath in her throat. "they've gone."

michael nods and pulls his legs to his chest, facing the far wall of the tiny area they are squished into.

"this is what we have to do," he murmers. "i don't know if it will work, but it's better than staying here until we starve to death or we get found."

luke and sophia nod, as sophia lets her fingers draw small comforting circles on luke's arm as he keeps his arm around her.

"what the rabbit said," he whispers with wide, concentrated eyes. "about the rabbit holes. what did he say on the phone?" he asks sophia.

"he- he said that we shouldn't go getting lost because we might fall in the rabbit holes." sophia softly says in thought, her voice quivering slightly.

"traps." luke murmers, his statement more of a question.

"exactly," michael nods towards luke. "but more importantly that reminded me of something else." he says as he bites down on his lip. he wipes at his puffy, exhausted eyes. "i was thinking that maybe we could dig our own hole, you know?"

sophia and luke stare back at him with dull, clueless eyes.

"near the fence, we could dig a hole to go underneath. not even a hole, but a small ditch so we can slide underneath the fence." he explains. "just as long as we don't touch the fence."

sophia looks at michael, a small smile lingering on her tired face. "yeah, that could maybe work."

"how do we plan on doing that?" luke asks, glancing around behind the counter. "there's no shovels or anything." he shrugs.

"i don't know, but we have to be quick. i- i don't know if we should wait until they get bored and give up looking or we should run to the fence now and dig." michael says unsurely.

"they won't see us though," sophia whispers. "it's too dark."

"we'll have to look out for the traps too," luke urgently whispers. "i'm guessing they are near the fencing to catch us out because we never found any when in the middle of the fairground."

"yeah," sophia softly whispers. she sniffles and wipes at her exhausted eyes. "i think we should go now." she says with wide, uncertain eyes.

"you're probably right," michael mutters. he gets onto his knees and peers over the top of the counter into the overwhelming darkness. "all together or just one of us first?"

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