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sophia yelps in pain, vigorously wiping under her red and teary eyes as she exhales a shaky breath. her whole body is aching as soon as those filthy fingers are removed from her body.

she feels dirty and she misses luke, more than anything.

"we're done," one of the rabbit mutters. there's a faint bleeping sound as the rabbit grabs the camera from the top of a cabinet pushed against the centre of the wall. "have you learned your lesson not to try to kill us?"

sophia silently nods, feeling her throat tightening as the tears push their way to the surface.

"good." the other one says, zipping his trousers up in one swift motion. sophia pushes herself off the counter, her body aching as her eyes flicker towards the ancient looking carousel horses and dodgems pushed against the wall. this must have been the storage room within the fun house, she thinks.

the other rabbit turns around to see the first rabbit has disappeared, the wooden door clicking behind him as he heads towards luke and michael.

"come on, we're done with you for now." he slurs, taking ahold of sophia. as soon as she feels his fingers forcefullu wrapping around her forearm, she hears the loud and vexed shout of the other rabbit.

"you think you're smart, don't you?" he yells, harshly hitting his gloved fist against the steel door.

sophia and the other rabbit step into the hallway, colliding with the first rabbit as they are pushed aside.

"i know where they fucking are," he mutters under his breath, the anger evident from his clenched fists. "i try to gas them out and they find the fucking window. i can see through the glass in the door, do they think i'm stupid?"

sophia lets out a small and quiet cry as she is dragged along, the fingers digging into her delicate skin.

michael and luke approach the window, pulling back the two discoloured sheets which fall with ease. they both glance down, their hearts hammering against their rib cages as they see the height.

"we only have to jump one floor," luke nervously speaks up. "we can do that. we have to do that."

michael silently nods and lifts the heel of his shoe onto the windowsill, grasping onto the sides of the crooked window.

"i'll follow after you-" luke begins, however he is cut off by the sound of hefty footsteps approaching them from the end of the corridor.

"go go go," luke hisses, glancing over his shoulder. "he knows."

"jumping won't bring you one step closer to leaving this playland," the rabbit angrily calls out after him. "it's too high, you will die." he tries to convince them.

the swirling sand beneath as the breeze picks up welcomes michael's fall, his feet firmly hitting the ground. his ankle twists slightly, however he clambers to his feet and glances at the window with wide eyes.

"say it," the other rabbit whispers in sophia's ear. "call out for him. make him come to you." the rabbit softly demands.

sophia lets out a deep, shaky breath as her lip quivers. she watches luke carefully placing his foot onto the crumbling windowsill and lift himself up.

"come on luke!" michael calls up, pleading with luke to jump already.

"do it now," the rabbit repeats in her ear, his teeth gritted with impatience. "or you will recieve the same punishment."

sophia lets out a small cry and nods before calling parting her lips, his throat dry with exhaustion.

"luke." she quietly calls out, her voice still partially filling the narrow and chilly corridor.

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