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I woke up panting, the darkness around me doing little to stop my nightmare from repeating against its black screen. I fumbled for the lamp beside my bed, wishing for anything to stop the horror film that was my own mind.

While I reached clumsily for my lamp I knocked my alarm to the ground. When the light flicked on I noticed Poofy standing and watching me. He whined and I sighed.

"Hey, boy."

He instantly came over and nudged my hands with his head.

"I'm alright," I whispered as I pet him. A small smile made its way to my lips, "I'm fine." Petting a dog always seemed to be a good cheer-up charm.

After a while longer I stood up, unwilling to sit there any longer and unable to go back to sleep, and went downstairs with Poofy at my heels. Princess laid curled up on my pile of laundry, undisturbed in her sleep.

It was only three in the morning, but I let Poofy out into the backyard anyway as I pulled a Monster can from the fridge.

I sat in front of the open door, staring out into the dark, snow-piled backyard. Occasionally, I'd be able to see Poofy running around, but otherwise he blended in with the night.


I jumped in alarm and spun around, spilling my drink on my shirt. It was only Ivan.

It was silent for only a moment before I looked down at my shirt.

"Oh, shit." I cursed as I saw the undeniable stain.

"I'm sorry," Ivan said as he raised a hand, as if to help, and then lowered it.

"No, it's fine, I was just startled." It did feel gross though, so I moved to pull it off, before I thought better of it and left it on. Better to deal with a wet shirt than Ivan's questions, and most likely, anger.

I would have to ask Arthur what to do with the stain the next time I saw him. Speaking of Arthur, him and Francis just disappeared today. I wonder where they went. They didn't leave a note, and they haven't even texted me once.

"Alfred?" I flicked my gaze to Ivan who was looking at me with a confused expression, "Are you okay?"

I blinked my eyes rapidly and shook my head lightly, "Yeah, just got lost in thought."

He let out a soft breath, what sounded almost like a sigh, but I knew him better. He was laughing.

"What's so funny?" I said, a smirk of my own tilting my lips.

"You," He said as he raised a hand to adjust his turtle neck, "You used to be such an airhead, and I don't know if you are still or not." He hid his mouth behind his hand, but that didn't help the small chuckles that escaped.

"Hey!" I pouted, but he only laughed harder. And there it was, that same laugh from the eighth grade. It made me start to laugh as well.

Poofy must have heard the commotion, because he came running in and sat expectantly in front of me, waiting to know what was happening.

I pushed his hair out of his eyes and kissed his nose instead, causing his tail to thump against the floor in joy. I closed the back door, locked it, and turned back to Ivan. He had calmed down, but he was still smirking.

"Well, I think we should be heading back to bed now," I said as I pat Poofy's head. He trotted ahead of me, and I looked back at Ivan. I suddenly wasn't sure what to say, so I settled for "Goodnight" and left the room.



"Mmph." I refused to move from my position on my bed. Poofy had finally gotten out of the bed after an hour of thrashing last night, and I was still recovering from that lost hour.

"Alfred, love-"

I sat upright, and turned to look at a very shocked pair of green eyes.

"Arthur," I blinked in confusion, "What are you doing here?" Arthur's surprise turned quickly to annoyance as he crossed his arms.

"Some greeting. You really are a twat sometimes, y'know that?"

I smiled and nodded, "Yeah, but it's alright. Know why?"

He looked me up and down, and I could tell he was forcing away a smile. "Why's that?"

"Because you chose me anyways."

The smile finally broke free, and he dropped his hands into his lap, "Yeah, I did. I'll never bloody understand why."

I leaned over and lifted his face to meet mine in a lingering kiss.

"Because, you love me," I told him.

"Yeah," He didn't hesitate and placed a hand on the back of my neck, "I do."

We both simply smiled till we heard a soft sigh from the doorway.

We both looked over to see Francis standing and watching us. Arthur's skin became warm under my touch, and I smiled.

"What are you doing?" I teased.

"Simply watching," He said as he pushed a lock of hair back, "I rather like the scene."

"Oh, get over here already!" Arthur snapped.

Next thing I knew, I was back in bed, but once again I wasn't alone. And it wasn't Poofy in my bed this time.

I laid between both Francis and Arthur-with Francis on my right and facing me, one hand on my hip, and Arthur on my left, one hand playing with my hair while the other held Francis' above my head.

I sighed as I settled back into my pillow and began to fall asleep.

"Thank you," I sighed.

"For what?"

"Coming back."

I fell asleep once more, not seeing the glance both Francis and Arthur shared before settling in next to me and watching over my sleep.

**I'm sorry it's short, but hey, I'm back an, like always, I'm commemorating my return with fluffiness!!**

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