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"Arthur, why are we here?"

We stood outside a pound, the barking of dogs filling up the parking lot.

"Because," Arthur looked at me and smiled, "you're getting a dog."

"Ar-" He covered my mouth with one hand and held up a finger of warning.

"I won't hear any objections." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door. When he pulled it open, the barking became increasingly louder.

A man sat at the front desk, and he looked up as we entered. He pulled earbuds from his ears and stood to greet us.

"Hello, what can I help you with today?" He asked in a professional tone.

"We're here to adopt a dog!" Arthur told him happily. The man's eyes lit up and he hurried out from behind the desk.

"This way then!"

We were lead through a side door to a room filled with floor to ceiling kennels and dogs of all types. We must have looked at the dogs for over an hour, stopping to pet, play, feed treats; we were definitely enjoying ourselves. And then, Arthur stopped outside the gate to a kennel containing two dogs.

"Alfred, look," He said in awe. There was a very large black dog, his back would be more than two feet from the ground when he stood, curled up in the back corner. A small dog, no more than twelve inches when it stood, of white and golden-brown curled up between its legs. It was easy to know which one Arthur was referring to.

"The small one?" I asked anyway, slipping an arm around his waist. He nodded. The man gave us a look, and then glanced to the kennel.

"I should warn you, the big one is a Giant Schnauzer. He's extremely protective over the small one."

I looked to the Schnauzer, who had lifted his head and was staring at us and moved a paw over the small dog to block it. I looked from him, to Arthur, and then back. I knew how he felt.

"Can you unlock it, please?" I asked the employee, and he hesitated before sighing and opening the door. We walked in and I sat on the ground, pulling Arthur into my lap. He stared at me questioningly for a moment before returning his attention to the small dog.

I grabbed his hand, laying the back of his in the palm of my own, and held it out. I rested my head on his shoulder while he gently called the dog over.

After a few moments of calling, the small dog wiggled it's way free of the big dogs paw (A task that required the large dog to release the small one and let it walk), and it slowly made its way over to our outstretched hands. I pulled mine back, allowing Arthur to pet it, and coo over it.

The large dog watched, and then sniffed as Arthur picked up the smaller dog. It sniffed at his face before licking him repeatedly and beginning to shake happily in his arms, barking hysterically. The other dog laid it's head down when he saw how happy the small one was.

"Well, I'll be damned," I heard the employee mutter. It was my turn. I whistled, and the large dog lifted it's head to look me in the eye.

I pat the ground in front of me, and kept eye contact with him. After a few moments, he got up and came over to sit in front of me. I smiled and reached out a hand for him to sniff.

"Hey, boy," I said as he stuck his nose into my hand to sniff at. "Hi," He was really furry, and even had hair falling over his eyes. When we were both sitting, his head was an inch or two higher than my own. After a few seconds I moved my hand and scratched behind his ears, causing him to lay down and let me pet his head and neck.

"Well then, that's a first." Arthur and I both looked to see the man who worked here was surprised.

"What is?" Arthur asked as the dog hopped out of his arms, but then put it's front legs on his lap and began nudging his hands to pet her.

"Well, your the first to ever touch her," He pointed to the small one, "With his approval," He pointed to the large one. "When we groom her, we have to bring him with, and then have him tied up so he doesn't do anything." He chuckled, "And now he's acting like an overgrown house cat. No one'll believe this."

I looked at Arthur, who was staring at both of the dogs, and I could see the indecision in his eyes. If this dog was so protective of the small one, then taking her would be an awful thing to do. Yet, he wanted the little one. I smiled and pecked his cheek, startling him, and then looked down at the black dog in question.

"Hey, big guy," I ruffled his ears and he looked up, "You want to come live with me?" I looked at Arthur to see him look at the small dog, "Your little friend can come to." Arthur looked at me in surprise and then smiled.

"Really? You don't have to-" I pecked his lips to stop him.

"Of course I do," I told him, " The little one's cute, and you obviously like her. And this guy," I ruffled his fur, "is obviously a giant, gentle, yeti so, we can't just leave him."

Arthur didn't hesitate to spin around in my lap and launch himself at me in a hug, causing me to fall backwards.

The dogs both jumped up, though the small one Arthur was fawning over began running in circles and barking.

Arthur was laughing into my chest, and he looked up at me with a smile that made my oncoming headache worth the fall.

"Thank you, Alfie!" He laughed. I swear to God he would be the death of me. He leaned up, seemingly to kiss me, but the small dog took that moment to stick it's head between us and bark happily and repeatedly. Arthur sat up and picked up the dog before getting to his feet.

I groaned and sat up, and the large dog came over and sat next to me, staring expectantly.'

"Don't look at me, I ain't picking you up." I stood up and stretched, and the employee laughed.

"You two are really energetic," He shook his head, "It's amusing to see young couples come in here." He froze, "You are a couple, right?"

Arthur laughed, "Yes, we're a couple."

"Really?" I asked with hopeful eyes, "Why didn't you tell me?" He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, shut up and get the dog," He turned around and walked back to the door, not sparing a backwards glance.

"Damn," The man chuckled. I nodded in agreement as I watched Arthur walk.

He should wear skinny jeans more often.

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