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"What did you need? We had a Council meeting this afternoon- and why weren't you at school?" I listened as Arthur's voice came closer to the room I was hanging out in. Francis had stayed home with me today, not wanting to leave me by myself in his house, but had gone to get Arthur after school.

"Well," I heard Francis' hesitant voice and then the door opened.


I looked up from my phone, tears trekking down my face.

"Hey, Iggy," I sighed, "Sorry I didn't answer your call earlier," I stared at my phone, "I didn't realize it was you." As if to emphasize my meaning, the phone began buzzing and I stared at it sadly before sighing and hitting the hang up button.

"Al," Arthur rushed over and dropped in front of me, gently taking the phone from my hand, "Is someone messing with you? Are they hurting you?" I shook my head as the phone began vibrating again.

"Whos is-" Arthur looked at the screen. It was the generic blue picture, but the caption on the screen read 'STEPHEN'.

"Stephen?" Arthur questioned, not recognizing the name, "Who's-"

"My Dad," I told him, "It's my Dad."

Arthur looked from me to the phone, and hit the end call button.


"Here, mon ami," Francis, who had apparently left at some point, came back with a cup of warm milk and handed it to me. It was my fifth cup that day.

"Thanks," I whispered as I took it. Francis nodded and sat beside me on the floor, saying nothing more.

"What happened, Love?" Arthur asked while wiping away my tears, "What's going on?" I shook my head and he sighed, sitting down and brushing my hair back from my face. "It's alright, Alfred. You can tell me."

"I got into a fight with him," I broke down, "He- He came to my home. This morning, he came to my house," I rubbed at my arms, causing them both to take a hand and hold it so I didn't do anything further, "and he saw my arms. We started fighting, and..." My eyes watered over again and he pulled me to him, letting me cry into his chest. "I-I said something," I sobbed into his shirt, "It wasn't- I shouldn't have said... It was so awful."

"Alfred," He said softly, "Alfred, it's okay," He was trying to calm me down, "You're alright now."

But, I wasn't.

How could I say something so awful? I know he had left, but his youngest son had died. I don't know how I would be if that ever happened to me? I really was selfish. He had left, because of me. I had been an awful son. Ungrateful. Worthless. Helpless. Useless. The list went on.





Good for nothing.

I was nothing.

"It's not true, Alfred," Francis whispered suddenly, closer than he had been before. He made me turn my head so I was facing him. His eyes were watering. Had I been speaking out loud?

"You are not nothing," He said, placing a hand on my cheek and brushing my tears with his thumb. He looked up at Arthur, who when I shifted my glance, I noticed was crying. He hugged me tightly to himself, his tears dropping in my hair.

"You're not nothing, Al," He whispered, his voice shaking and cracking, "You're my world."

He leaned down and kissed me firmly, unable to speak further. Our tears mixed on our cheeks as we locked ourselves together, but I pulled away quickly, hiding my face again.

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