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"There you are!" I was crushed in a hug that left me gasping for air, "thought ya were going to up and skip the gathering." Mrs. Cloveland said as she continued to hold me.

"My own brothers memorial? Not a chance," I finally said when I was able to breathe again.

"Good," She nodded, "I'd have had to hunt ya down if you had." She smiled and pat my shoulder, "You're late, but it's fine. Everyone's out back."

Back? I knew there was room back there, a garden of sorts, but it belonged to the botanical next door. She lead me by the hand, and when she opened the back door, I couldn't help but stare in shock.

The gardens, which were, of course, closed for the season, had been decorated with tables and chairs, food, drink, and people littered them. They were laughing and talking, and all around smiling.

"I- when-"

"What? Thought I would just shove two hundred people inside my small little building? Not a chance," She scoffed. Her gaze softened as she looked out again, "Besides, I think this is much more... Matthew."

From then on, the day passed without incident. We all stayed outside, despite the chilly temperature, and warmed ourselves with food and drink. There were, as estimated, around two hundred and fifty people.

"Alfred," I turned when I heard my name called, and saw Maria running over. When she was close enough, she jumped and hugged me tightly, causing me to catch her to steady us both from falling. "It's been so long!"

Maria was Mattie's ex-girlfriend. After... When Mattie was gone, she had mourned as heavily as my family. She obviously had turned out better than the rest of us, but for a while she became a little rebel. Her choice in clothing and the scar running down her cheek were testament to that. Still, she had cleaned up her act in the end.

"Yeah, since you don't come to my school, I have no way of seeing you," I released her form my arms and she stood up on her own.

She had gone to the same middle school a Matthew, but since she was a Freshman this year, she went to the high school across town due to where she lived.

"How are things going?" She asked as she stole a small cocktail dog from a nearby table. She didn't seem to care that she stole it right off of someone's plate.

"...I've been better," I admitted. This girl had been like a sister, and while I couldn't tell her everything, I'd feel awful if I outright lied to her.

"Did your dad show up?" She asked as she reached for another hot dog, but the guy moved his plate with a glare.

"Yeah," I sighed, "He call you?"

"Yup " She shrugged, glanced at my hand and stole my glass of soda, "drunk as always." I didn't want to carry on this conversation, so I created a new one.

"So," I smiled and stole my drink back, though there was very lite left, "are there any boys I should know of?' I had a flash back to mine and Ivan's conversation days ago and smiled to myself.

She pushed my arm, annoyed.


"Any girls?"

She punched me.

"Hell no!"

"Just wonderin'," I laughed as she crossed her arms with a pout.

She rolled her eyes, "No one in this town interests me in the slightesr," Her eyes lit up, "But, I'm going to Austria next year. To a musical school," She shrugged and put her hands behind her head, interlocking her fingers, "perhaps I'll meet a cute foreign boy."

"Well, remember, if your going there, your gonna be the foreign one."

She paused to think and then laughed, "Pfft, whatever! I'm proudly Prussian, Germanic by blood! They're practically my cousins!" I watched in amusement as her face twisted into disgust. "No, wait. That's gross. Never mind, I don't want to be cousins with my potential future husband!" People gave us funny looks but, she didn't care, and I burst out laughing.

"Well, I should go rejoin my friends," She excused herself. I nodded and pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head.

"Alright, stay outta trouble."

She scoffed and pulled away.

"As if."

I watched as she ran off and Arthur walked up beside me.

"Was that Maria?"


"She hasn't changed at all."


"... Are we sure she doesn't bleach her hair?"


That was the ever burning question.

Saying that night passed without incident, like the day, would be a lie. At around five-thirty the clouds rolled in, and at six the snow began. That wouldn't have been a problem if we hadn't had all of the food outside.

Everyone worked quickly to bring it all in, and soon came in themselves as the snow mixed with sleet.

I stood against the wall, watching as people crowded into the small djner, some sitting, most standing. There were some complaints about the sudden weather change, but overall they were happy with the new warmth.

As I stood and watched, as people spoke with smiles, laughed together, had fun and enjoyed themselves, I decided something.

"No, this is what would make Matthew happy."

This is what Matthew was. Warm, happy, smiling; Matthew was a friend, he was love.

And he was family.

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