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The next morning I woke up with a quick spell of confusion, before it passed into bliss. I was back home in my own bed, and I rolled over as I buried my face into my pillow. Last night's events passed through my mind and I smiled. It was too good to be true, but it was true.

I laughed at the thought. It was actually true.

I got out of bed, noting vaguely that it was already eleven, and shuffled over to my computer. I yawned as I waited for it to boot up, blinking tiredly at the screen.

I wondered briefly if Ivan would even be awake. It was like what, midnight there? I shrugged and hit the call button on Skype anyways and sat back to wait.

It took all of thirty seconds for my call to be answered.

"Good morning!"

"Dobroye utro," Ivan chuckled, "You seem happy this morning."

"Yup," I spun my chair around, "I am happy."

I paused my spinning and tipped my head back to look at him, "Hey, do you ever leave your computer? 'Cause, whenever I call you always answer, like, instantly." Instead of him answering, Chun-Yan spoke up from off-camera.

"He leaves the volume for the notification turned up," She appeared in the camera view and smiled, "Hey, Alfred," She greeted before continuing, "He hurries over as quick as he can whenever he hears it." She kissed his cheek, "Isn't that right, Ivan?"

His cheeks turned a light pink and he looked away from the camera while mumbling a quiet, "Nyet."

Chun-Yan laughed and disappeared from the camera.

"Ah, do you miss me so much, Vanya?" He looked back at me, opened his mouth to say something, but stopped and looked off camera. I cocked my head, and watched him. What was he doing? "Ivan?" He shook his head with a smile and looked back at the camera.

"Sorry, Chun-Yan is doing a strip show." Not a second after he spoke a book collided with his head.

"Don't say that!" I heard her shout at him as he fell out of the chair. I laughed and in turn fell out of my own chair.

"Honestly, why do I put up with you?" I heard her sigh. I looked up to see her pushing his chair out of the way and it fell over, having collided with Ivan. "We have something to tell you," She said excitedly.

"What's that?" I questioned as I sat back up in my chair. She looked at Ivan, who was also picking himself back up, and then back to the camera.

"You know how we've wanted to come for a visit?" Ivan said as he rubbed at his neck.

"Yeah," I dragged out the word, anticipation and excitement filling me. Were they....


"We're coming for Christmas!" Chun-Yan cut him off with a smile.

"Wha- When?" I felt my jaw drop, but my eyes widened in excitement.

Ivan chuckled at my reaction as he took Chun-Yan's hand.

"We'll be there in one week exactly."

Let the countdown begin!


The nineteenth couldn't come quick enough, and I spent the whole week preparing for it. I cleaned the entire house, like my mother used to when we were younger and were having guests over, put clean sheets on the bed in the spare room, washed the pillow cases, set out blankets, and opened up the windows to let fresh air in the stale room.

The rest of the house, as I mentioned, was cleaned spotless. Poofy and Princess spent a lot of time outside, because I didn't want them around all of the cleaning chemicals.

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