Ch. 29

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This is happening. 

Alec is here...

Next to me...

With his damn hand on my thigh. 

"Stop," I hissed, shoving his hand off of my thigh. 

He smirked, putting his hand on my knee instead. 

I don't know why he is here, as in the Alabama. 

"Why are you here?" I asked. 

"I left my grandparents," He whispered. 

We were getting stares from almost everyone in the class. The teacher seemed to be ignoring us, which was good. 

"Why?" I questioned.

"Are you not happy to see me?"

"No, it's not that. I just, it's weird for you to just show up at my school one day," I mumbled, looking down at the work we were assigned. 

"I know, it's crazy. I thought you said that you lived in Arizona. I came here to keep away from trouble. I figured Birmingham would be a pretty laid back place. I guess I was wrong," He whispered, a smile plastered on his face. 

"Excuse me, Aspyn and Alec, are we interrupting you and your conversations?" Mr. croft yelled. 

I looked around, my cheeks flaming as everyone's eyes landed on us. I could clearly see the shock on Blake's face. She just thought the new guy was flirting, she didn't know it was Alec. 

"Kind of," Alec said. 

I physically turned in my chair so fast I got light headed. 

"Excuse me?" Mr. Croft said, taking a step towards Alec and me. 

"No sir, he said no sir," I said, glaring at Alec before smiling at the teacher. 

"That's much better," He said, resuming his lesson. 

I didn't listen to anything else Alec said, I just watched Mr. Croft. Alec kept nudging me and poking my side, and Mr. Croft wasn't very happy about it, but he didn't say anything else. 

The only time he spoke to us was when it was time to go, and he gave Alec an extra page of homework to do because he thinks it'll keep Alec busy and out of trouble. 

"You may pack your things up, it is almost time for the bell."

I quickly shoved all of my books in my bag, turning to face Blake. 

"Blake, please save me. Act like we're having a deep conversation?" I pleaded. 

"No, you've been love sick for the last two weeks. You need to talk to him. I want to know everything, though, so don't hold out on questions. What's he doing here, is he here to kidnap you and take you back to his land, things like that." 

I glared at her, sighing when Alec turned my desk around to face him. 

"Yes?" I asked innocently. 

"Don't be like this darling, what happened?" He asked, his eyes finding my own. 

"My heart was broken," I mumbled, getting up as the bell rang. 

I know it isn't his fault that we were separated, but I've spent the last two weeks trying to get over him, and I'll be damned if I go through that again. 

I walked out, trying to catch up to Blake, who sprinted out of the classroom on purpose. 

Blake and I have yearbook next, she could have waited on me, but she wants me to spend time with him.

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