Ch. 8

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I sat down on the cold bench, still damp with morning dew. My shorts weren't long enough to keep the wet bench from touching my skin. I shivered, looking around at people passing me by. 

My hooded bikini cover was slightly transparent, allowing people to see the bright neon beads and my olive skin.

"Nice shoes." 

I looked up, being greeted with a small white girl. 

She was about my age but she was tiny in frame. Not the kind of tiny that is like super skinny, but the kind that it looks like she hits the gym a lot. 

"Thanks." I said, sitting up straight. 

"I'm Brittney." She said, holding her hand out. 

"Aspyn." I said, shaking her hand. 

She smiled, revealing her perfect, white teeth. I immediately noticed that this girl is beautiful. I looked down at the shoes on my feet, noticing that I was wearing my favorite sandals. They were black with lacey neon material over one of the toes. 

"How long have you been here, Aspyn?" She asked, sitting next to me on the bench. 

I glanced at her, doing the math in my head.

"Almost a week. What about you?" I asked.

"Three months." She said, after contemplating for a moment. 

"Dang! Does this get any easier?" I asked, seriously thinking about how long I am going to be here. 

"Yeah, I guess." She said, shrugging her shoulders. 

I half-smiled, looking up to spot Jason. 

"Jason!" I yelled, waving him over. 

He had on a tank top on, revealing his muscular shoulders. He wasn't wearing regular pants, because he had on swim trunks. 

"Yeah. What do you want?" He asked, sounding a little snappy. 

"I just wanted to say hey. I also wanted to introduce you to my new friend Brittney." I said, gesturing towards her. 

"Hi." She said, waving her hand awkwardly. 

Awe they will be adorable. Plus this will get him to stop worrying about kissing me and let me figure out my feelings... which are leading me towards Damien. 

"Nice to meet you. Can I talk to you?" He asked, smiling at Brittney then pointing at me. 

"Wish me luck!" I whispered to Brittney, making her laugh and Jason scowl. 

I followed him, closer towards the lake. We were away from everyone else, which probably meant he was going to yell at me. 

I don't care anymore, because I haven't even been here but like a week. 

"Aspyn, what are you doing?" He asked, his eyes finding their way to mine. 

"Nothing." I said, looking at him confused. 

"Brittney.. really?" He said, rolling his eyes. 

I hid my smile, coughing through the laughs. 

"Oh, you think that's funny?" He said, a threatening smile forming on his lips. 

"Yeah, I do." I said, trying to remain confident. 

I couldn't hide any more, I laughed so hard I almost fell over.

Next thing you know the ground is out from under me, and I'm being thrown over his shoulder. 

"Put me down, you ape!" I yelled, looking back towards Brittney... who was laughing hysterically. 

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