Ch. 7

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I made my way to the checkout, bikini and tanning lotion in hand. 

Jason still hasn't said anything... since I told him about the kiss. 

It's like he is sulking, waiting on me to confront him. But if he wants to play the quite game, then so can I. 

"That'll be 15.89." The cashier said, which finally pulled Jason into motion. 

Even then he just gave the cashier a twenty and waited for change. I stifled a laugh, trying my best to keep him from hearing. He just smirked, not necessarily at me though. 

I walked out, letting him carry the bag. He walked behind me, more than a few steps this time though. 

"You're driving." I said, walking around to the passenger side. 

I was in the jeep for a few minutes, ignoring the fact that he was walking so slow. He finally got in, wasting no time getting us back on the road. He was being dumb, speeding and such. I know for a fact that driving like an idiot gets people nowhere. 

"Calm down." I said, noticing his knuckles turning white from his grip on the steering wheel. 

"I'm not even mad, Aspyn." He said, an attitude coming through full swing. 

"Then what's wrong? It's not safe to drive like this!" I asked.

"Nothing." He said, looking at me for a second. 

In that second a motorcycle came around the curve, almost crashing into us. It swerved to avoid us and we swerved in the opposite direction.

"Jason!" I yelled, holding on to the door so tightly that my hand started to cramp. 

We came to a stop, but my heart was still racing. Images from that night flashing through my head. I tried not to, I really did, but a stray tear fell. After that one another did, my heart beating even faster than before. 

I watched Jay shake a little, my heart racing at the sight of him in pain.

"Jay! Jay, what happened?" I yelled, my voice coming out raspy. 

I coughed a few times, tasting dirt and blood in my mouth. Jay held his hand out, not focused on the metal in his waist. I let out a cry, noticing a sharp pain in my side. I reached my hand down, feeling a warm liquid.. I immediately knew it was blood. 

"We're gonna be fine Ace. I promise, I'll never let anything happen to you." He said, his hand gripping mine tighter. 

His breathing hitched for a second, causing panic to course through my veins. 

"Jay!" I screamed, pulled out of my flashback by Jason. 

He shook me, my body shaking even harder with sobs. 

Next thing I knew, he had me out of the jeep and sitting on the ground next to it. I looked around frantically, spotting the motorcycle laying on the ground next to a still figure. 

"Aspyn? What's wrong?" He asked, pulling my head up under his chin, and my body in his lap. 

I didn't reply, I just pushed him away, and ran to the man laying limp on the ground. I crawled over, rolling him over. 

He moaned, letting me know he was alive, giving me some peace. 

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking at the small cuts around the bruises forming on his forehead. 

"Yeah, I think so." He said, making my sobs louder. 

He's okay. He's gonna be fine. 

"Nothing's gonna happen to him Ace."

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