Ch. 25

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Five minutes.

This would be the Sunday that I left camp, the Sunday that I left Alec.

"Let's go! Everyone on the bus!"

I grabbed my luggage, tugging it behind me. I slipped my hand in my bag, finding the ring my brother gave me and sliding it on my finger.

I forgot I had it after a while.

When I get home, I'll have fourteen more days until I go back to school. I've been here about ninety days, and I've knowingly been in love with Alec for the very end of those days. I feel like, right when we get together, we're forced apart.

"Come on, Darling. Let's try and get the seat that teenagers don't have sex in." He mumbled, earning a few weird stares from strangers and a laugh from me.

"Yeah," I mumbled, heading for the door.

Alec threw his arm around me, walking beside me as we got to the bus. We shared a mutual look of sorrow, knowing that we are about to be pulled apart. For now, we boarded the bus and sat together.

"Okay, we will be dropping each of you off at the correct bus station or airport. We will not be driving you all the way home because some of you live an extremely far way away." One of the counselors said.

I said goodbye to Shea and Brittney this morning, even though Shea is sitting across from Alec and I. Brittney has to wait for another week to go home. Parents have been contacted, and amongst the other angry parents, my parents threatened to sue. The camp just said, "they're your children, deal with them."

"Hey. I know that we only have about an hour left together... but I need you to know something." Alec whispered.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking at him.

"Okay, well. I love you. I've already told you that, but I do. I just wanted you to know that if I could, I'd stay here with you. I'm nineteen but my grandparents are my only family, I need them. I'm sorry because I thought that we really had a chance. I love you so much, though, Aspyn. I just really, really hate that we didn't get more time together." He said, pulling me close to him.

I pulled my feet up and curled up in his arms. His body heat radiating off of him, lulling me to sleep.

"Alec, Aspyn, Jared, Lola, Nolan, Shea this is your stop."

I pulled my eyes open, glancing up to Alec's sad face. I grabbed my luggage from above, but Alec took it from me.

He carried my luggage, along with his own, through the airport. We had all been provided with tickets to go home, and my plane boarded in ten minutes.

"I have to go, I have a long walk to my flight," I mumbled, looking up at Alec.

He set my luggage on the ground, his eyes finding mine.

"Hey, I'll call you. I know we aren't even officially dating, but I do officially love you. I know we can't be together now, but maybe some day in the future I'll find you." He whispered, pulling me into a tight hug.

My arms wrapped around him, and I breathed in his scent. My heart ached, and my eyes filled with tears.

I pulled back, looking into his eyes, and pulled his face down to mine.

The second his lips touched mine, that familiar spark lit up my entire existence. Our lips moved in sync for about two minutes, until the intercom spoke.

"Flight 386 to Alabama is boarding now."

I pulled away, never wanting to leave, but having to go.

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