Chapter 19

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*Anna's POV*

I woke up to the sound of someone singing and playing the guitar. Then I noticed the song sounded.... so familiar. Then that's when it hit me!

It was MY SONG. I opened up my eyes and saw Toby. He got to the last part and sang.

"Can we just go back in time and fix this mess?"

Once he finished, I shot up, noticing I was in my room. "You're an amazing writer." Toby smiled. I blushed madly. "Thanks." I whispered.

Then Toby put the guitar down. "Today's my last day of our break, then it's tour for five more days. That's five days without you. Lets do something fun today!" I saw the biggest smile on his face when he said the last part.

I nodded. "I'll be back in an hour. Get ready. Look beautiful, as always." He winked. That made me blush.

As soon as he walked out, I grabbed two towels and ran into the shower. I quickly hopped in. Soon enough, I got out of the shower.

I walked into my room, wrapped in my cozy towel. It took me about ten minutes to decide what I was wearing.

I got dressed into my white lace high low shirt, gray long sleeved shirt, and my white gray vans.

I blow dried my hair then curled it. I was putting on some light make up. Then as soon as I was finishing my mascara, the door bell rang. I smiled and pranced down the stairs.

I opened the door to a smiling Toby. "Hello there, my princess." I smiled and felt the blood rush to my cheeks. "We'll hello to you too, Prince Charming!" I said as left the house.

I took a small little purse with my phone and wallet. I knew I wanted to take pictures today. Then I felt my phone buzz. It was a text... from Niall?

Nialler: the kiss was amazing. sorry if things are awkward now. you're a lovely young lady

I put my phone up and continued walking. As we were walking it was getting a little late. It was about four.

*Toby's POV*

Anna and I were walking. Our fingers laced together. I never wanted to let go.

I was walking Anna to a carnival. I knew she loved these things. Her friend, Victoria told me.

I was thinking about what rides to go on when suddenly, I feel my cap come off my head. Then I heard Anna laughing so I look at her.

She's wearing my SnapBack. "You know you look so much better in that than I do." I smirked.

I knew Anna was blushing. SCORE! She was just so cute when she blushed. She is the most amazing thing to ever happen to me.

Soon enough, I could see the carnival. I looked over at Anna. Her eyes were huge. She squeezed my hand, then dragged me after her.

I didn't know she loved carnivals THIS much, but that's cute about her. She's childish and so cute.

We quickly got there. Anna was jumping up and down like a mad woman. I just couldn't help but laugh. I got to the booth and paid for our passes.

We first went on tilt-a-whirl. Then we went on every ride. We honestly went on everyone four times expect for the farriswheel. Anna was scared of heights.

Since we were bored, I noticed there was a booth to win stuffed animals. I took Anna's hand and walked over there.

We got there and I took a quick peek at Anna. She was smiling. I gave the man five bucks and he gave me three baseballs.

I had to knock down one of the sets of bottles, then I could get Anna a stuffed animal. And yeah, I know, cleshe, but it's cute.

I threw the ball, and got the bottles down on the first try. I brought Anna closer to me by grabbing her waist. I picked out the giant brown teddy bear.

"You hungry?" Anna asked. I nodded. "Yup!" I replied while popping the 'p'. She smiled and we headed off to the food area.

Anna and I shared cotton candy. We ate it pretty quickly since we didn't have much to eat before.

Then, it was getting dark and the ferriswheel was shinning bright. "Pleeeeease' I begged Anna while poking out my bottom lip.

Anna agreed and we got into one of the spots pretty quickly. I knew what had to be done.

A/N: NEXT CHAPTER!! YAY! I really hopped you guys liked it. I swear it's so weird having friends read you're fan fiction. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed! Thanks! You guys rock! Vote, comment, and share ((:

~ McDonough lover! <3

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