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*Anna's POV*

And there she was. Just staring at me. All the insecurities hit me. I quickly whispered to Toby. "I'll be right back, I promise." I put on a fake smile. He gave me a nod and I left the area. I went into our little room. (and yes I know they really don't have actual rooms, but whatever!)

I went into my bag. I looked for my razor. I thought I would never do this again. I thought the only time I'd use a razor again was for shaving. I pulled up my sleeve. There were a few scars. Nothing big. Next thing I knew, there was blood. I quickly put everything away and walked back out.

I made sure to hide my cut. I couldn't let Toby see. I sat next to him and squeezed my eyes shut for a little while. Soon, they interviewers ask all the questions. I was so annoyed because there were too many about me. I felt bad. It was supposed to be about the boys.

There were so many 'Is she your girlfriend?', 'How long have you two been dating?', 'What's your name?' and so much more. Finally all the questions were over and Toby intertwined his finger with mine. My small hands fit perfectly in his.

Then that blonde chick whose name turned out to be Alison came over. "Hi Toby!" She said with the fakest smile ever. "Hey." He said plainly. "I'm Alison. I was wondering if I could talk to Anna?" She said nicely. Well, this was probably the only thing that will sound nice. "Ummm, if Anna wants to, why not?" And he just walked away after saying that.

"Listen here you god dam whore! I told you to stay away from Toby! Ugh! I bet you're not even close to his age! EVERYONE knows you're just trying to sleep with him or use him to get you famous! Well, to bad, bitch! Go fuck off somewhere else. Oh wait! You can't cause NO ONE wants YOU near them! Have a fun night, tramp." She said walking out.

My heart stopped. I felt like I couldn't breathe or do anything. I threw on some pj's and got into bed with Toby. "So what did she ask?" He said curiously. "Oh nothing. I'm tried though. Goodnight." I lied. "Night, babe." He said kissing my temple.

>>next morning<<

I heard someone cry. The cry was so familiar. I instantly shot up out of bed. My eyes were wide open staring at Toby crying. I tear slid down my face. "Toby? What's wrong?" I say holding his hand. The only reply I get is him pointing to my arm. I completely forgot I was wearing a short sleeve shirt.

More tears started to slide down my face. I ran away into the bathroom. I just started to cry more. I didn't want Toby to notice. Only a few close friends knew I cut. I went out into the bathroom to see no one was there. Everyone was still in their rooms. I quickly ran to the back and grabbed one of my sweaters.

I walked back into Toby's room. Toby took my hand. "Anna, why didn't you tell me, babe?" A tear rolled down my face. He wiped it away. "I did before cause I was bullied. Everything was terrible. Then I stopped for a while. Then when that Alison girl came back, I cut cause...." I couldn't continued I just cried into Toby's shirt.

He was trying to calm me down. He was so sweet. I didn't feel like I was good enough for him. I started to cry even more. "Shhh, it's okay baby." Toby whispered. I just continued to cry until my eyes were dry. "Anna, please continue?" Toby asked. I could see the worry in his eyes.

"She said rude things to me. I'm so insure about everything. I don't even think I'm good enough for you anymore..." I say walking out the door.

Suddenly, something grabs my wrist. It was Toby. Me pulled me into his arms. My chest was up next to his. He looked down into my eyes. Before I knew it, he crashed his lips crashed into mine. It was so sweet, but rough. I've never felt like this before.

He picked me up so my legs were around his waist. We both broke the kiss so we could breathe. "Anna, listen to me. I love you. I know we might be young, but you mean so much to me. Nothing could change that. Ok?" I couldn't respond to that in words. I just kissed him quickly.

"I'll take that as a yes." He whispered. It sent me chills. His hot breath against my ears. Gosh! I've NEVER felt this way before I just wanna stay with him.

*Toby's POV*

It hurt to know that Anna cuts. But I'm gonna be here to stop that. I can't stand her to hurt herself. I grabbed her hand. I've been to South Carolina a few times. I decided to take her someplace special.

We ran. Soon Anna got tired.
"Tooooobbbbyyy!" She whinnied. "Here get on my back!" I smiled. She bit her lip. "C'mon! It's fine!" I reassured her. She smiled and jumped on my back.

I ran to iHop. It was crazy how Anna's NEVER been here before. We had to be back in four hours. Our next stop was Virginia, then New Jersey. I was so nervous because I was going to meet her family. Well, some of them.

Anna and I started to talk and talk. There was a mall about five minutes away, so I was hoping I could get her something. Maybe a promise ring? I don't know. I don't wanna lose her, but that's a big step. Oh, I will! I can't stand to be without her.

After about 10 minutes into our conversation about Nutella, who knew she loved that stuff so much, some fans came. They asked for autographs an pictures. Anna nodded towards me to go ahead.

Don't get me wrong, I love our fans. It's just I didn't want to leave her alone. I quickly took the pictures and signed whatever they had and got back to Anna. She was sipping her apple juice.

"So, find any fans you find any girls you fancy?" She teased. "Yup!" I said popping the 'p'. "I'm looking at her right now." I say being cheeky. Her face turned pink. God damn! She's so adorable.

I took her hand. "Has anyone told you how adorable you are?" I asked her sweetly. She just shook her head. "Well, now you have!" I said smiling, while kissing her hand. She got even pinker.

As soon as we were about to leave, Anna got out her wallet. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW SHE BROUGHT IT WITH HER! "No, no, no! Hasn't anyone told you the MAN pays for the date?!" I said pointing at me. "You sure?" She questioned. "Positive!" I smiled.

As soon as I payed, we left. I took Anna's hand. We headed to the mall. As soon as we got in, I heard Anna, and other people gasp.

A/N: I hoped you guys liked this! I just kinda wanted it to be cute. If you have any ideas or wanna be in it or something, tell me (: Thanks! Vote, comment, and share! You guys rock ((:

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