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*Toby's POV* 

The door burst open. I saw Riley. He ran over towards Anna and I. "ANNNNNNNA!!!!!" He scream while jumping in the both of us. "Oh hi..." She mumbled. I could tell she wasn't happy. He could be so annoying. "Okay, since we're up, why don't we get Starbucks! Ya know?! Since its just down the street from ya!" Riley said crazily. I shot out of bed once I heard the word "Starbucks".

Anna got up after me. She leaned on my shoulder and looked up at my face. I was giving her the signature Toby puppy dog face. Anna giggled. How cute. I blushed. "Fine..." Anna tried to say angrily, but she just started to laugh. Grabbed her face then kissed her. Then I noticed, Riley was there.

*Riley's POV*

There I was. In Toby's room. Watching Anna and Toby make out. I was dying on the inside. As soon as their kiss broke, Toby turned to look at me. I just walked away. Shortly, we got to Starbucks. Anna ordered a white peppermint mocha (even though it was the summer), Toby got a carmel ribbon crunch frappuccino, Connor got a white chocolate mocha, and I got a jiva chip frappuccino. Soon we got onto the bus again. I didn't wanna talk to anyone, anymore. I went right into my room and locked the door. I don't wanna be that self-centered jerk, or anything, but I don't think anyone cared. I decided that would probably be best. So I just decided to turn on the TV.

"New hot boy band member, Toby McDonough from the band, Before You Exit, has a girlfriend? Stay tunes to find out about this mystery girl!" I heard the local newscast person say. I just turned off the TV. I just drank my Starbucks, then napped!.

>>5 hours later<<

*Anna's POV*

"Hey, Riley!!" I said cheerfully in Toby's arms. "Oh, hey Anna. Where are we?" He tried to say with a smile. Toby was sweet, and really warm compared to my small , cold body. "Oh, hey.." He mumbled. "Um.... Toby?" I asked a little worried. "Yes,my love?" He relpied quickly. I let out a small giggle. "Is there something wrong with Riley? He's usually happy when I see him. He seems down.." I say looking for Riley.

Toby looked at me a little worried. "Toby.." I said. "Nah, it's propbaly a mood swing." Toby kissed my cheek. "Ok.." I started but then the bus came to a sudden stop. I fell face first towards the ground. "Owww" I said in pain. Toby rushed to my aid. "Anna? Can you hear me are you ok?" He said shakily. "Umm.. Yes, and I think so." Toby helped me up. Then I noticed some blood dripping. It came from my nose. It hurt like crap now. "Can I please get a wet rag, Connor?" I asked. "Sure, Princess Anna!" I Didn't want Toby to see me like this, so I ask Connor.

*Connor's POV*

Anna's nose must of broke. It was bleeding bad... I went passed Toby but decided not to tell him. I got a rag and wet it. Then I speed walked to Anna. "Thanks, Connor." She said softly. She went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I left her. I didn't want to bother her. I went up to our bus driver. "What the hell was that?!" I asked. "The fans.." He replied. "What?!" I asked. Then I saw all the girls. Holding posters. But most of them said the same thing... No Anna. Toby was gonna die if he saw this. I prayed he wouldn't come up here, but I guess the world just hates my guts.

"Hey, what's the hold up?!" Toby shouted as he ran towards the front of the bus. He was a sensitive guy and if he saw this I knew he'd burst into tears. He had a huge smile on his face. As he walked closer I tried to stand in front of him casually. "Connor, move over. I wanna see what's going..." Toby stopped talking after that. He saw the signs. Over 75% of them hating on Anna. I saw his eyes start to water.

"Toby! Don't!" I tried to grab ahold of him, but he escaped my grip. I heard him sob. It was terrible. My little brother crying over someone her truly loved. I've seen Toby with other girls. Nothing was as ever bad as this. I decided to leave him alone to figure out things on his own. Or at least calm himself down.

*Toby's POV*

"Why?!" I mumbled. I thought the Exiters would love Anna. I don't get why. I decided to get out my iPhone 5 and tweet. It was going to be hard to put all my feelings into 120 characters. So I just decided to say this "You guys, that's hurt. I love Anna no matter what. I love you @BYEannamd"

I couldn't think about what happened. I went out of my room and headed to the bathroom. I didn't want people to notice me cry. I tried opening the door but it was locked. "Hello? A-Anyone in there?" I asked. "Umm.. Hold on!" It was Anna.

Anna walked out with some bandages on her face. Especially her small nose. "An.. Anna? Are you ok? I'm so sorry!" I said. I wrapped Anna in my arms. I hugged her for a good three minutes. She was hurt. All because of those stupid fans! I never hated them until now. But I was surprised within the next five minutes we were moving again. They must of gotten my tweet.

I walked with Anna to a couch. My phone was vibrating with all the comments from fans. Some were so sweet. Sadly, a majority of them... well, not so sweet. I even got a tweet from Anna's sister. @Mae_Styles: Listen here lover boy, you break my sister's heart, there goes your job! ;)"

"Toby?" She said softly. "Yes?" I say as I kiss her nose. "What's all the noise?" 'Uh oh.' I thought. "Um, some Exiters found us. That's all." I didn't lie.   Well, not completely... Exiters DID find us. "Oh! I wanna say hi!!" Anna said as she stood up. She ran for the door. "Wait! Anna, no!" But it was too late.

She saw the signs about her. All the hate. I saw her eyes start to water. Then a very skinny blond girl came up to her. Her sign was nasty. I tried to run towards her but some girls were bugging me. I couldn't get to her in time. That girl was telling her stuff. She must of started this protest group. I saw Anna. Her eyeliner running.

*Anna's POV*

A girl walked up to me. I tried to look for him. I saw him, but then a bunch of girls blocked my view of him. I was worried now. I know my dad thought Toby was trouble. I knew my "big brother", Jacob, wouldn't like him either. I loved him too much to think about this. Now I was mortified.

"Listen here, bitch! I don't care who you are, or what ever the hell! Toby is mine! You can't have him and you never will! You're just a slut! You're a whore! All you want to do is fucking has sex with him! You were never Toby's princess... And you never will be, faggot." She said yelling almost the whole time.

I stepped back. "Ummm..." was all I managed to get out. I ran past the girls in front of the bus. I heard footsteps behind me. I knew it was Toby. I didn't want to talk to him. It was painful. All this crap. I didn't like the hate. I was never the girl in school that was cared about or got noticed in school... Well that all changed.

I started to cry for a good 30 minutes. I heard someone against the door sobbing. One person. Toby. I've never seen him cry. Well, I still haven't seen him cry, but I heard. It was heart breaking. I cried again. I ha thought running through my head. 'Maybe I should dump him...' I thought...

A/N: CLIFF HANGER!!! Sorry I haven't posted lately! School is gonna start in like.... 1 month ): . And turns out I didn't go to the cabin with my friend... Do have you guys ever gotten your eyes dialated?!?! I hate it!!!! I get dizzy. Well I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter! I'll write more ASAP! Comment, vote, share (:!

~Love ya tons, ✌Anna💋

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