Chapter thirty eight//Lock your doors

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AN- So from this point the story is gonna slowly start to turn into a bit of thriller idk you'll see what I mean as the chapters go on.

"But where were you Jai? when i was crumbling down the most, where were you? you left me all alone in that horrible hospital." i let out all at once. Finally after so long i had let out what has been bothering me since the day they left me there.

"I'm sorry Char but i had to go. I know i shouldn't have but i had to." he replies slumping back in his chair.

It's week three of our therapy sessions and overall, I in myself have improved quite a lot. By a lot i mean i actually speak now. However me and Jai are still a bit shitty. We keep arguing over stupid things which usually results in one of us crying over our baby and us forgetting about it the next day. It is so tiring though, constantly arguing so i think i need to let out everything that has been building up. No more secrecy.

"Now Charlotte, how do you feel now you can see how apologetic Jai is" she says in that same bullshit ton of hers. I let her words sink in and take a moment to think about how i feel. I look towards Jai and take in his appearance. How can i hate this man? How can i not forgive him?

"I think its time to let go of the past now I've let out how i feel. it is truly time to move on" i say glancing from the floor to Jai, who has a beaming smile on his face.

"Right now you two, over these few weeks i have noticed dramatic improvement in both of you and i think you no longer need these sessions. However if either of you notice any signs of anything serious with each other i want you to contact me immediately." She says smiling gesturing us to leave.

"Thank you for your help bye" we both say walking out. I intertwine my hand with his and gently sway our arms.

"We can do this Char, it might be hard but we can do this. Our baby just wasn't meant to be, but i promise one day we will have a beautiful family just you and me." he says once we are outside. He leans in for a kiss and i kiss back. For the first time in weeks we finally kissed and I have never felt so alive. I notice a flash go off and turn my head rapidly, But no one is there. I scrunch my face up in confusion, it cant be the paps as the boys don't really get them unless they are at events.

"Don't worry about it, was probably just a fan or something" he says reassuring me.

"One weird ass fan if you ask me" i laugh pulling him to our car.

Anon POV

I stand back in awe at the masterpiece i have created. Every moment of theirs captured. Soon to be destroyed. My body tingles in excitement at what im about to cause.

Bitch better be ready for the shitstorm coming her way.

Jai's POV

I pull the cigarette from between my lips and form 'O' shapes with clouds of smoke. It's a very dark and dull day and all i want to do is smoke my lungs to death and cry.

"Rude not to share" i hear that beautiful, yet dull voice say before joining me on the shitty bench. I pass the cigarette to her and she inhales, closing her eyes after. I watch her in a complete state of awe as she looks so tranquil and perfect. Then she opens her eyes, and all i see is nothing but dull. Just like mine.

"It's fucked up Jai"

"What is?"

"This. This façade of happiness, everyone trying to convince themselves that they are living and doing good; they aren't. Everyone is just as fucked up as the next person, they just pretend because pretending is easier than explaining what's wrong." she explains, staring at the floor in a trance.

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