Chapter thirteen

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Jai's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. I leave Charlottes room and answer.

'Hello is this Mr Jai Brooks?'

'Yes it is how can I help you?'

'We are very sorry, but we are here to inform you that your friend Chelsey has passed. We know how hard this must be after the long and agonizing wait and hope that she will come out of her coma. But after 4 months there has been no sign of improvement and her body finally shut down completely. If you would like to come in and say your final goodbye, as she has no family relatives then you are more than welcome to goodbye'

My heart felt as if it was getting shattered into a million pieces. Chelsey was our best friend. We had grown up with her from the age of 5. None of us felt anything with her obviously, but she was like our sister. 'FUCK' I scream throwing my phone across the hallway. 'NO NO NO NO NO' I repeat screaming and crying. I slide down the wall when I hear the boys run towards me. 'mate what's wrong?'

'She's gone, she's dead her body shut down!' I say crying. Everything becomes a blur, I can hear the boys screaming and crying.

'DUDE WHAT THE FUCK CAN YOU GUYS SHUT THE FU- wait what's wrong what's happened?' Charlotte says hurrying to me.

'She died Char, she's gone'

'Who's gone? What's happening?' she says panic arisen in her voice.

'Chelsey, she was our best friend. She was like a sister to us!' I exclaim struggling to talk. She just hugs me close and whispers 'It's going to be okay, im here'

Charlottes POV

It's been three weeks since Chelsey passed; her funeral was two days ago. Jai has been distant. He hasn't spoken to me at all. James says it's because I look like her, and not to worry. But the voices in my head tell me different.

'He's probably just realised the fuck up you really are'

I feel so alone. All the boys have been down, and they get angry with me over the smallest things. I know it's just their way of coping, but I can't help feel a little worthless. I was now sat in the lounge with the boys except Jai, no one had seen him. We were watching mean girls, which seemed to make the boys chuckle a little here and then. Then I here giggling coming from upstairs. I decide to go see what was happening and followed the sound. It was coming from Jai's room. I walk in to see the one and only Zoe on top him - naked. I have never felt my heart so broken in my entire life.


'Save it were done, hope you have fun sucking the dick I once was all over Zoe. Hope you feel good about yourself being his rebound after his best friend just died' I scream at her. Luke comes up behind me as does Beau. 'Jai what the fuck' Luke and Beau say anger evident in their voices. I just run out the house tears streaming down my face. I stop running after about 30 minutes and I feel like im gunna throw up, I walk over into an alleyway and push my hair out the way, I throw up a little as I haven't ate much today. I cant stop crying. If that's how he wants to play it, Game on.


I knock on his door about 5 times before he opens it revealing him shirtless with messy hair. 'Charlotte? What are you doing here?'

I say nothing and just jump on him attacking him with kisses. I never thought id go back to Kieron, but why not it's not as if I have anything to lose.

3 weeks I have been of drugs and alcohol, old habits die hard I guess.

***5 hours later 9pm***

Im walking home in the pissing rain with a cigarette in my fingers. My dark black make up is now smudged, I don't care. I begin to cry yet again thinking about how Jai went back to her whilst me and him were together. He knows how hard I find it to trust people, he knew I was getting better because of him. I guess he doesn't care, maybe he never did. I arrive home shortly after. As soon as I enter the house the boys are all sat in the living room. Jai jumps up and goes to hug me. 'don't you FUCKING dare come near me you lying cheating asshole!' 'Char im sorry! I -'

'oh save me the BULLSHIT for once in your life Jai! I LOVED YOU. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to love someone? I HATE MYSELF!' I scream at him letting the tears fall. ' WHATS WRONG WITH ME?' I say in a tired pained scream, I just want to know why everyone leaves. what is so wrong with me? I couldn't give a shit if the boys were sat right next to us. 'Charlotte please nothings wrong with you please, I love you'

'no you don't, you never did. And do you wanna know why I know you don't love me? Because it's impossible to love someone who is so damaged they can't even love themselves.'

'God to think I was so naïve to think I could get better. To think I could be happy. I hope she was worth it Jai. I hope she was worth knowing that you have completely shattered my heart. Was it worth sending me right back to square one' I say raising my voice emphasizing certain words. I have never seen him look so guilty, good he can go to hell. I look at the other boys and James looks beyond pissed at Jai, Luke is staring at me with teary eyes. The others? They just looked at the floor.

I walk of into my room and just lie there. 'Char?' I turn to see Luke with his head in my door. 'im so sorry, you will always have me you deserve the world.' I just nodded and smiled and put my arm out gesturing him to come lie down with me. His torso was pressed against my back and his arms wrapped around my waist. I slowly started to drift of to sleep before I heard him speak again. 'I wish I could give you my world'

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