Chapter thirty three//Are we Ready?

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A/N I hope you guys are enjoying this please vote it means a lot I'm trying to make this story as interesting as possible but I'm sorry if some chapters are boring lmao

Anonymous POV

My body fills with rage as I see the girl who fucked everything up for me, pregnant and happy. I am not letting this happen. She took everything from me, little miss innocent I wonder what Jai would say if he knew what she did a year ago. She doesn't deserve to be happy.

The rain trickles down my skin, the cold air numbing me to any sense of feeling I had an hour ago. My drenched hair clings to my skin as my cheeks flare in anger. Watching her sit around with the people who think she's amazing, laughing having fun....

My body warms in dispute and I angrily push my hair away from my eyes. This bitch will pay....

Charlottes POV

Few days later

I wake up feeling glorious as ever. For once I don't feel tired or drained. I roll out bed to notice Jai missing, he must be downstairs or something. I decide to wear my PINK leggings and my Adidas hoodie, well Jais hoodie but I've claimed it as my own now as I always steal it. I brush my teeth and pull my hair into a bun not wearing any makeup as I simply can't be bothered.

I stride downstairs to see James, Jai and Luke all sat with the two people I dread seeing. I notice Beau in the kitchen with Chelsey and he sadly smiles at me almost knowing what I am about to endure.

I walk into the front room and all eyes turn on me. Why did they come here? I haven't spoke to them and im sure none of the boys have none of us can stand them, plus I told them I want nothing to do with them. My mothers stuck up glare follows my body, her eyes fixating on my stomach. My father looks at me with disgust as he glances at my appearance. In my family you had to dress nice all the time and be well mannered, so for my parents to see me in leggings and a boy hoodie wasn't exactly a good start.

"Mother, father" i sarcastically remark, taking a seat next to Jai and James. My mother sits up straightening out her black tube dress and flattens her blonde curled hair.

"I see you've been busy since you got out" she snarls at me and I roll my eyes in return.

"I thought you would have known better Charlotte Rose. We brought you up to have children after marriage and to have a child with someone respectable. Not some waste of space druggie with no aspirations. You will have this baby terminated immediately." She snaps looking between us all in disgust.

"How fucking dare you. At least im happy I mean the only reason Dad won't leave you is because he's scared of what psychotic shit you'll pull. Look at him! He's miserable as fuck I don't blame him. Before he met you he had dreams he had a life. You had to go fuck that up didn't you. And who are you to tell me whether to keep our child or not. I got news for you bitch, it's my life and I fucking love it. The only reason I tried to fucking kill myself over 10 times was because of you, your a spiteful bitch!" I snap causing her to stand up and hover over me. I don't allow it though because I stand up also, as she looks as if she might implode.

"You waste of space! How dare you speak to me YOUR MOTHER like that. You disgust me I wish you were the one who died instead of Scarlett. She was the good child. You... You are just some pissed up druggie with no use to this world. You can't possibly expect me to believe your happy living in some shithole with a bunch of dossers!! Where were they when you got raped just months ago? That's right on tour because even they don't give a shit about you Char no one could. You are-" I cut her off by slapping her around the face, probably removing half her makeup she caked on earlier today. She looks outraged and doesn't hesitate to slap me back causing me to stumble back a bit. My dad jumps up and begins to scream.

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