Not Their Sickness

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My stomach grumbled on the rest of the day but I honestly didn't care.

Between the endless visitors and periodically thinking of James Craft, I was far too occupied to think about a few gurgles and rumbles.

I wondered if I should start calling him James. Or if I should wait until he told me to. I knew I was really overthinking it. Getting that kiss today was a rush of excitement, fear and pure energy that I hadn't had in awhile.

Excitement because, well it's pretty obvious. He's beautiful.

And fear because I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. I had no idea where we were going or how long before I told Evan. I assumed it would be a long time before I mentioned anything to him. That was my biggest obstacle. Keeping Evan safe.

I wouldn't tell him until I knew for sure that James is... who I think he is. I just didn't want to confuse Evan. Let alone confuse myself.

When the rush would slow I found myself filtering through these thoughts. Thinking of James, of Evan, of that little boy Jesse. Of my hopes.

Finally at around 8, the cycle of people at the glass window asking for directions halted to a stop. Fitting because visiting hours were over.

As I packed up my bag, I felt my stomach begin to eat itself. I usually hated fast food places but I came to the conclusion that Evan would be in for a treat on the way home tonight.

The door to the office swung open and three tired looking humans dragged themselves in. Tom looking the least tired out of the three of them. He looked, content. I was assuming he was getting used to his schedule with Evan and the hospital. Grace, not so much.

"How was it? Get any more pictures?" I asked. Stuffing the contents of patient files I had been working on back into the appreciate folders. I didn't get much of them done today but again, I didn't care. I had my fair share of reasons.

Evan didn't jump like usual, instead he plopped himself onto my computer chair and rested his head against the armrest. He was tiny enough to be able to do that. It looked oddly comfortable for him too.

Grace swung her bag down and began packing it up with stuff from the mini fridge. There were no snacks, sadly. But I made sure to check as she had her bag open.

"We did." Tom answered my question when no one else did. "Not a whole lot though. Evan did an awful lot of entertaining today. He was the charades champion."

I watched Evan barley listen as his eyes began to flutter shut. "Well, it looks like being a charades champion is a tiring task to concur."

Tom nodded. "Oh believe me it is." He laughed as Evan basically fell asleep.

Grace snuck back from behind me. "Well I'm off. Tom, it was fun. Evan... You're asleep." She waved to Evans still body before turning to me.

"Wait." I stopped her from saying a thing. "I have good news to share before you go."

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