The Yellow Uniform

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"What're you doing here?" I spoke as I laughed a little. He stood on the sidewalk by a taxicab that was now driving away. Which told me he had no intent of leaving.

I hadn't seen Tom since last week. When he drove me home. Also when I told him my life story on accident.

Although I hadn't seen him, I did talk to him a lot. We emailed. And when we weren't typing we were using a cell phone. Talking for hours. It was so easy to talk to him.

We never had a quiet moment. Which was crazy because I'm not one for holding a conversation.

It was him. He started every topic. He told all of the stories and I'd either listen and laugh, or tell one of my own that had to do with the particular topic.

I liked listening though.

Our conversations were my pass time. Every night at about six or seven, he'd call. And every night, I'd be waiting around to answer it. Just so that we could talk about our day.

Only a few times did he say he was busy with school work. He sometimes had to cut the conversations short. And I understood. He'd always email me something sweet to make up for lost phone connection.

Now he is in front of my apartment. And I didn't know why. It was a surprise.

When he heard my voice, he turned around with one of those charming grins that I still couldn't get used to. Considering the fact I haven't seen it in six and a half days.

He was always smiling and I was never prepared for it.

"I'm here to inform you that there is a party tonight."

I grinned. "Thank you for that fact. But I'm afraid I can't make it." I made a frown.

He shrugged. Taking a few more steps towards me, still standing at my door. "I didn't want to go anyways. I actually wanted to avoid the party completely." He explained so nonchalantly.

I shook my head. I took one step forward and letting him walk the rest of the way. I was curious as to how close he'd get.

"Then why mention the party?" I asked.

He got only to arms reach of me. But I guess it could have been worse. "It's a good conversation starter." He grinned.

His eyes wandered around every part of my face as if he was searching for something in particular. "I guess I just came by to ask if you wanted to not go to the party with me. And instead we could go to dinner. Go to the movies. Go to any place you wanna go."

I sighed. "I wish you had called first. Now I feel bad." I started. Genuinely feeling bad that he had come all this way just for me to tell him to turn around. And ashamed that I had to tell him why I couldn't attend this college party or go out with him.

"What is it?" He gave me a puzzled look. He took a half an inch step away from me. As if I was going to say something that'll physically hurt him.

"I have work." I answered him. I unbuttoned my red petticoat so that he could see the ugly yellow uniform I had on. With my name tag and "Joe's coffee and tea" written above it.

Showing him my profession gave me a pit in my stomach. You're supposed to have a part time job with college classes on the side. I just had the first part of the deal. He had the second part and I automatically felt lesser than him.

"Ahh." He nodded. With almost a look of relief. His body took one step closer again. "It's awfully late for coffee. But, I could use some tea. If you don't mind."

I laughed. Because for a split second I thought he was joking but he had a serious smile on his face. So I halted my laughter and smiled instead. "I'm going to be there for a few hours." I shot him an unsure look. "Are you sure you would wanna be stuck there?"

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