Meet the Parents pt. 1

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Usually when i'm this nervous out of my mind, I turn to someone to calm me down and comfort me. Someone to tell me there is nothing to be afraid of. There isn't anything to worry about.

Usually I had Tom for that.

Only in this situation, I didn't. Because every time I looked at him for comfort, I'd get even more worked up. I honestly didn't know who looked more flustered. The girl meeting the parents or the boy with the parents.

I was sweating. I could lie and blame it on the hot stove I was hovering over, waiting for the pasta to be done. Or I could blame my utter fear.

I'm not good with parents. Hell, i'm not even good with my parents. I never got the chance to meet Michael's. He was never into the whole parents weekend thing. So he always just called them and said he was busy that weekend. Only his idea of busy was trying to hit as many parties as he could before he passed out. I couldn't really put him down for it though, because I was right next to him. Party to party. I never exactly revolted.

I realize how good I have it now. With a guy who is actually interested in our relationship enough to even take this step. That doesn't mean I don't totally regret saying that I'd meet his parents.

I don't know how they are. Maybe they're those kinds of parents that are rich and snotty and are going to bash me for being a waitress. Or maybe they're those kinds of parents that forbid their child from seeing me because i'm not good enough. What if they are like Juliet's parents?

Okay, I may be overreacting.

It is a very big possibility that they are rich and snotty though. I mean, they had enough money to send one of their children to a fairly prestigious acting academy. That has to mean something.

I hated walking into a situation blind like this, and Tom was really no help at all.

He paced the kitchen floor as he liked around for what to do next. He had already straightened up the house and he seemed so lost. Every two minutes he'd look down to his clothes and brush off invisible lint.

I really didn't understand why he was freaking out. At least he knew what to expect. After all they were HIS parents.

I rolled my eyes as I watched him brush his pants a third time. "Tom. Stop it. You look fine."

He sighed heavily. "I know." I was now turned away from him as the pasta began boiling, I tried not to laugh at the fact that his comment came out a little self centered. In a humorous way.

"It's not that, it's just. I feel like if I sit down, Then i'll just want to call and cancel and tell them to stay home. And spend the rest of the day just me and you." He sighed. "I'm really close to that option."

My mind and the melting makeup on my face would really like that. Unfortunately my heart and my common sense knew that I had to talk him out of it. One reason was because they were probably already on their way here. And another was that I didn't want this chicken parm dinner to go waste.

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