00 ; the pro's and con's

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The pro's of falling in love with your best friend:

He's always by your side - A constant companion in the dark, a human life-preserver when the waters of life become to strong and you're swept away in their current. He's the hands that place you back together when you fall apart with fingertips made of Scotch Tape.

He's your constant bank of laughter - His jokes are corny, stupid even. With lame punch-lines and puns. The skin beside his brown eyes will crinkle up and he'll throw his head back and soon you'll find yourself laughing with him. Even if you've heard the joke before, it still makes your sides ache and your eyes water.

He's your own breathing diary - You can write and write and write  on him until your hands are numb and he won't complain once. He's listen to your inner most precious and humble thoughts. Your desires, your dreams, your doubts. He won't judge you, he'll just listen. Softly, smoothly, silently. When you give up, and try to erase one of your dreams, he'll take the pencil from your hand and throw it away before your can scribble anything out. Because unlike you, he believes that anything and everything is possible.

He shares everything with you too - He never holds anything back from you. He tells you his fears, his dreams, and his desires. He tells you about the places he wants to visit when he's older and what his parents were yelling about last night when they thought he was sleeping. He tells you about his favorite color and his favorite comic book characters; and you'll shove at his arm when he tells you that it's the 'Incredible Hulk' and say that 'Captain America' is better; though you'd never admit that you love him in the color green.

He loves you too - You breathe kisses against each other's lips. Hands touching each other's warm chests and arms. Eyes in steady contact as you feel yourself beginning to memorize every aspect about each other. For so long, you've known each other's minds as good as you've known your own, but now, touching and feeling each other is different. A new set of freckles, dimples, and hickeys to claim as yours. A new map to memorize and discover. A journey to take without a second of hesitation.

The Cons of falling in love with your best friend:

1. Nothing, absolutely nothing, and that's the worst con of all.

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