02 ; awaken the wolf

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"Yo Lucero!"

Sage looked up from the textbook in his hands, brown eyes finding the source of the voice that had called out to him. He watched as Jacob clambered his way towards his direction, long hair pulled away from his face by a single braid.

"Yo Black!" Sage called back, adjusting the red backwards snapback he had sitting amongst his black curls.

His best friend didn't speak until he was a few feet away, sitting down beside Sage on the older boys front porch. Jacob rose an eyebrow at the botany textbook Sage had resting on his lap before speaking once more.

"I told my dad about our run-in with Sam's gang," Jacob said, ignoring Sage's glare. "He said for us not to worry. That the gang stuff was just rumors, but if anything else happened, we should tell him."

"Now were gonna seem like snitches," Sage replied, punching Jacob in the arm. "Billy is totally going to tell my mom now and she'll never let me out of the house."

"My dad promised not to tell anyone," Was Jacob's reply, before a bright grin flashed onto his face. "Guess what?"


"I got Bella to agree to hang out with me,"

"Who's Bella?" Sage asked offhandedly, too busy reading about how to tend to the roots of a flower to really give Jacob's words his full attention.

"Sage," Jacob snapped, splaying his russet skinned hand onto the words covering the page of Sage's textbook. "Listen to me. I got a girl to say yes to hanging out with me."

Lifting his head upwards, Sage looked at Jacob. "What's the date?"

Instantly, Jacob blushed, "It's not a date,"

"Is it just you two together?" Sage asked, and at Jacob nod, Sage grinned, "It's a date then, Jake."

"She doesn't want a boyfriend," Jacob insisted instantly, seeming a bit saddened by his words. "She just got out of a relationship."

"Didn't she just move here?"

"She was dating Edward Cullen," Jacob said, ignoring Sage's question.

Despite never meet any of the Cullens face-to-face, Sage had been witness to many moments of how his mother had action whenever she happened to see them around town. Sage remembers that when he was smaller and when his mother left the house, she'd sometimes see the strange family about and would tug him away while muttering something in foreign tongue underneath her breath.

Sage never understood the words, but he'd always get a sinking feeling in his gut whenever he saw the Cullens in public; knowing that his mother was a few seconds away from tugging him out of whatever building they were in at the time. Luckily, the Cullens never took any visits to the reserve so Sage didn't really stress about running into them anywhere.

"She likes pale guys?" Was Sage's question, his voice laced with teasing. "Why did they break up anyways?"

"He left," Jacob said, before correcting himself. "Well him and his family left. She doesn't really like talking about it which is fine. I don't make a habit of talking about the Cullens very much either, believe me."

For some reason, Jacob always seemed to know more about the Cullens than Sage did. Whenever Sage had addressed this to his mother, she'd always tell him it's because Billy liked to fill Jacob's head with stories. So, Sage never minded much that his best friend knew more about the pale-faced family, knowing that it left more room in his brain for more important things.

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