Chapter 7

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A few months later

Her fingers touched the bump that had become visible enough for the world to see. The burning sensation of her skin stretching to accommodate the child had begun, leaving her skin slightly sore. Natasha's pants no longer fitted her growing belly and she was stuck wearing shorts and Steve's shirts. Not that he minded. It seemed as if he encouraged her to do so.

In fact these past months they treated one another like friends, never having the courage to take a step further into their relationship. Occasionally they would sleep together, wrapped in one another's arms, and listening to their heartbeats and Steve's hand tenderly touching her stomach.

Everyday their routine was the same, Natasha doing some paperwork as well as the house work, something she never thought she would be doing. Steve sometimes leaving for the occasional SHIELD missions or sometimes he would be working on the baby's room.

The sound of an axe coming down and cracking wood bought her out of her reverie. Through the kitchen window she saw Steve's powerful arms raise in the air, gripping the axe tightly, and falling down on the wood with a dull thud.

She felt like a stalker as she watched Steve chop wood. Muscles filled with power, rippling beneath his bare skin.

She nibbled her lip, watching the sweat drip between his pectorals, a sudden urge on her tongue, wanting to lick every part of his toned torso.

Natasha went towards the fridge, grabbing a pitcher of freshly squeezed lemonade and a glass before walking outside.

Suddenly she felt a pair of blue watch her, with a gaze so intense, making her fingers tremble, the cool lemonade sloshing inside the glass pitcher.

"Hey," Steve said breathlessly as Natasha poured the lemonade into the glass.

Natasha gave him a slight smile, handing him the drink, "Thought you could use a drink."

Forcing her gaze to stay on his face other than Steve's shirtless body, a rather grateful smile on the soldier's lips, "Thank you," he murmured, gulping the cold liquid.

Natasha glanced at the wood, "What are you working on this time?"

A shy smile touched Steve's lips, "It's a surprise."

Natasha lips tilted upwards. Something about the soldier always sent her heart fluttering inside her chest. Whether it be his sapphire eyes that always seem to peer inside her soul, or his sweet, caring and shy personality. However, her rather unkempt appearance made her suddenly conscious of herself.

"Why don't we go out today?" Steve said, handing the glass back to her.

She raised a brow, "Where to?"

"Somewhere where they sell baby stuff?" the blonde said, rubbing the back of his neck as pink blush touched his high cheekbones.

Natasha smiled, "It's a date."


"You sure you don't want any help?" Natasha said, eyeing the mass amount of shopping bags the super soldier carried.

"Nat," Steve said, his eyes glinting with amusement, "I've got this. You just relax okay?"

She huffed and gently rubbed her bulging stomach from underneath the maternity dress that she wore, "I'm pregnant Steve. Not wounded."

The soldier only shrugged, "I know."

Natasha huffed but the smell of of sizzling beef from the restaurant located in the mall nabbed her attention. Her stomach growled, a loud noise emanating from. Natasha nearly died from embarrassment when blue hues feel on her.

She blushed, "Guess I'm hungry."

Steve smiled, "Come on. You're hungry for two."


She was beautiful. Red hair pulled away from her glowing features, a red tint ever present on her cheeks.

"Mm this is so good," Natasha moaned as she sunk her teeth into the steak.

Steve watched her, devouring plate after plate, each bite feeding her and his child that she carried inside her. The child that they were willing to care for.

The thought of being a father excited him. To belong to a family he could call his own.

You and Nat aren't married, his conscious dictated. Of course their relationship would have to come to play. Sure, their current arrangement was working but it could only last so long.

Not if we dated, he thought.

"Steve?" Nat said, wiping a stray drop of sauce from her lips.

Steve blinked, "Yeah?"

"What are you thinking?"

He smiled slightly, "Us."

The Russian raised a brow, "What about us?"

This is it, he thought, heart drumming inside his chest, his hand reaching out and grabbing her hand.

"Nat," he began, "Our relationship didn't start out like any normal one and I want us to take another ste-"

"Steve! Nat!" a familiar voice said. Steve turned, his eyes falling on someone that sent his heart clenching. Her face was so much like her grandmother's, the pert nose and soft lips, he couldn't help but see Peggy Carter in her place.

"Oh my goodness. I didn't think I'd see you two here," Sharon Carter said, tucking a blonde strand behind her ear, the other holding a bag.

"Hey Sharon," Steve said, blinking away Peg's image.

"Carter," Natasha said, taking a sip of her sweet tea.

"How's the baby coming?" Sharon spoke, a grin on her features, "Know the gender yet?"

"We want to be surprised," Steve said with a upward tilt of his lips.

Sharon nodded, "So do I hear wedding bells?"

Steve blushed and he was just about to speak when Nat spoke.

"No wedding. Just together for the baby. Right Steve?"

His heart twisted once more, "Yeah. Just for the baby," he responded softly.

Just for the baby.

Sorry for the late update.

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