Chapter 8

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She saw the way Steve looked at Sharon Carter.

A walking memory of his first love.

Blonde hair that fell effortlessly over the agent's shoulders, clothes that hugged a perfect figure.

Natasha suddenly felt self conscious of herself, wiping away the sauce from her hungry mouth and hiding her bloated body with her jacket.

"So do I hear wedding bells?"

The simple phrase brought her out of her mind. Is that what everyone else is thinking? Did Steve think that way? They had agreed to live together for the baby...

Her body tensed, the same way it did when she prepared to take a defensive stance, "No wedding. Just together for the baby. Right Steve?"

Natasha's eyes fell on the blushing soldier. Her heart squeezed, a feeling she had never felt before freezing her heart. The fact that Steve was a blushing mess in front of Sharon made her want to stake a claim on him.

Yet, she thought, He's only with you for the baby. Eventually he'll find someone new.

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that," Sharon said, shifting her weight, "Well, congrats on the baby!"

"Thanks," Steve murmured, a smile on his kissable lips.

"I suppose I'll see you two around," she grinned, waving her goodbye as she left.

The two remained silent, a strain visible between the two.

Nat knew, when she arrived home things would be discussed.


"What do you mean that we're only together for the baby!?" Steve demanded as they entered their home.

Natasha ignored him, removing her shoes from her swollen feet. The spy kept her back to him, not wanting to show the hurt that was clearly evident in her green eyes. She wanted to blame the jealousy that poisoned her veins on the raging hormones caused by the pregnancy, but deep inside her, she knew the true cause.

"Natasha," Steve sighed, "What's going on?"

Anger simmered beneath the surface as she tried to speak calmly as possible, "I don't want you to be stuck to me for the rest of your life because you're the baby daddy. You should find someone who makes you happy."

Natasha wrapped her arms around herself, silence consuming the two.

Just as she was about to climb the stairs, strong arms came around her from behind.

"I'm happy with you Natasha," Steve whispered, lips grazing her ear, "I love you."

Shivers went down her spine, her heart melting inside her as he said the three words.

"How can you love me?" she whispered softly, still not believing his words.

He slowly turned her to face him, blue eyes meeting hers.

She had been a spy for so long, seducing men with lust visible in their putrid gazes, each one imagining the many ways they would take her. Yet, here was Steve. Blue hues never pulling away from her green ones, never wandering to her larger than normal breasts. They remained on her face, tearing into her soul.

"Natasha," he murmured, a hand resting on the side of her head, his thumb stroking her cheek. "I'm an expert for waiting too long, but with you, I don't want to wait anymore. I want to be with you." A hand rested on her stomach, gently rubbing the bump, "I want there to be an us."

A heavy feeling pressed against her chest, threatening to spill through her eyes in the form of tears. She rarely did cry, not even when Fury faked his death, yet here she was, in front of the super soldier.

"Steve," she croaked, trying to hold back her tears.

It seemed as if he knew. He pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. And like the many moments between them, she felt safe, protected and loved.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" Steve said, pulling away a few centimeters.

Natasha couldn't help but crack a small joke, "A proper first date?"

Steve chuckled, "I suppose it could be worded that way."

Natasha stepped back a bit, composing her slightly ruffled hair, "So when and where?"

Blue eyes gave nothing away, "I will let you know soon."


Steve checked on Natasha's room, secretly hoping she was asleep.

Rosy lips parted, breaths even, red curls splayed against the white sheets as the sleeping beauty rested her fatigue away.

Steve smiled and closed the door behind him. He wanted to surprise her, give her the best date a woman like her deserved.

He pulled his cell from his pocket, fingers tapping away across the screen.

Steve: Are you busy? I need your help.

Tony: My my. Captain America asking for my help. What can I do for you? Plan a bachelor party?

Steve rolled his eyes, typical of the self proclaimed billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

Steve: No party Stark. I need advice... About the perfect date.

Tony: Come to the tower.  I got your back.

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