Chapter 12

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Steve had barely taken a step out of his truck when his cell rang.

"Hello?" he spoke, walking towards James' side and popping out the stroller.

"Is this Steve Rogers? Relative of Natasha Rogers?" a nurse spoke.

Fear gripped his chest, hands clenching the cell, "This is he."

"She woke up sir."


He wanted to run, but the fragile child he carried with him prevented him so.

Yet, he couldn't help but walk faster when he neared Natasha's room.

"Well he be here soon?" a beautiful voice said, a siren bidding the solider forward.

The wheels of the stroller squeaked against the linoleum floor when he turned.

Sitting on the bed stood his partner, his lover, the mother of his child.

Her Russian features brightened, "Steve."

Steve rushed to her side, placing a tender and delicate kiss on her lips, "Oh Natasha," he whispered.

Green eyes smiled at him, fingers touching his cheek, "How's our baby?"

Steve smiled and pulled James from his stroller, his tiny body much stronger and healthier than before.

James's bright green eyes blinked up at his mother before his hands stretched out, begging for food.

Natasha chuckled and cradled the child close to her chest, James tiny hands clenched in fists.

Steve smiled, "He missed you."

The Russian smiled tenderly, her hand caressing the blonde hair on James' head, "I missed him."

It was like no time had passed, the torturous week without her long forgotten. Instead, he focused on the scene before him, something that brought out a protective nature within him.

Steve slipped his hands into his pockets, "I missed you," he murmured softly.

Natasha looked at him, a slight upward tilt on her lips, "I missed you too."

Steve's fingers met the cold metal in his pocket, reminding him of the reason he had taken her out on the date.

With firm and steady movements, he lowered himself to one knee, Natasha's green eyes growing wide.

"Natasha Romanoff," Steve spoke, taking one of her hands into his, "Ever since I've known you, you've always been a constant presence in my life. You helped me get used to this new life, you helped me find my best friend and you gave me a son."

He pulled the a small diamond ring from his pocket. It wasn't something flashy, but he wanted her to wear it, just like his mother did before.

"You're a strong and independent woman. With you by my side I feel I'm the man that can do anything. From the first time I saw you I fell in love. From your strong but funny personality to soft side that I see now with our son," he murmured, raising the ring in their line of view, "Will you marry me?"

Natasha said nothing, tears welling up in her green orbs, red curls framing her Russian features. Steve felt his own heart begin to hyperventilate, the silence stretching. He had exposed himself so vulnerably, something he didn't even do with Peggy.

He felt her fingers tighten around his, "Yes," she whispered.

Steve didn't notice the crowd that had accumulated outside their door nor the applause the echoed. However, he did notice the soft lips that met his, James's tiny hand gripping Steve's finger.

"I love you," he whispered.

Green melted with blue, a warm and cozy feeling enveloping the tiny family.

"I love you," Natasha said softly.

One year later

"Honey! I'm home! " Steve said when he entered through the door, pictures of their family covering the wall.

Silence greeted him, a slight smile tilting Steve's lips.

With light steps he went up the stairs, eyes lingering over the pictures that hung on the wall. The Avengers all huddled together with drinks in hand, another of his and Natasha's wedding. A single portrait of James smiling and clutching a small bear.

A warm feeling fell on his shoulders, removing the stress from his recent mission.

He approached a door, a soft voice coming from James's room.

There she was, sitting on the rocking chair with James bundled in her arms, his sleeping face pressed against Natasha's chest, the spy softly singing a Russian lullaby.

With careful movements, she rose, placing James into the crib that Steve had built.

Slowly, Steve made his way towards her, sliding his arms around her waist.

"I missed you two," he whispered.

Natasha welcomed his touch, leaning into his hard chest, "We missed you too," she whispered back.

With a slight twist of her body, their lips met, her hands wrapping around his neck, his hands wrapping around her slim waist.

"I love you," Natasha whispered against his lips.

"I love you," Steve murmured.

The End

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