Chapter 1

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Steve Rogers was the perfect partner.

“Perfect in everything,” Black Widow muttered under her breath as her fingers flew over the keyboard making sure the virus filtered deep into the mainframe of the company who had been sending classified information to the Russian mafia. “Romanoff,” Steve said breathlessly beside her, his masculine scent filling her nose, sending a warm feeling between her legs, “You about done?”

Natasha was about to answer when gunfire was heard and the soldier quickly grabbed her and shielded himself and her with his vibranium shield. Their close proximity to one another let her see the veins that pulsed with adrenaline beneath his skin, his strong jaw clenching as well as the feel of his chest rising beneath her fingers, “So did you get a date yet with the receptionist yet?” she blurted with a teasing tone as she tried to drown out a certain feeling that bubbled inside her.

“Really? Right now Romanoff? We should focus in completing this mission,” the soldier chastised, letting go of her so he could throw his shield at the sniper.

“Aye, aye Captain,” she smirked and resumed her task but not before a certain idea formed in her mind.

Natasha Romanoff looked beautiful tonight. Her creamy skin glowed beneath the light, red curls framing her heart shaped face and a black dress hugging her generous curves.

“You’re drooling Cap, need a napkin?” Falcon teased beside him, elbowing his side with this elbow.

Steve turned away from the breathtaking woman and took a swig of the beer, relishing the familiar taste, “I am not. I was simply taking a look around for Stark. You how drunk he gets at his own parties."

“Liar,” Sam teased, taking a swig of his own beer, “As a friend, Cap, I’m telling you that you should get laid soon."

“I’ve asked him to take the receptionist out on date,” a feminine voice said beside him, nearly making him choke on his own drink.

“I think he’s still a virgin,” Tony said from Natasha’s side, having appeared out of nowhere, his stance slightly on the unbalanced side.

He could feel the blood rush to his cheeks as the truth spilled from Tony’s drunken lips, “Guys, stop talking about my love life.”

The two men laughed at his lack of a love life. However a firm hand slipped into his arm, a soft voice whispering into his ear, “Come with me.”

Eager to get away from the teasing jabs from his friends, he followed his fellow Avenger, her red hair glinting in the light. Before he could open his mouth to question their destination he was suddenly pushed against the wall, a pair of soft lips pressed against his. Shock coursed through his veins but returned the kiss with eagerness. Her lips were familiar but the more they kissed, the more he discovered the form of her lips, her movements, the softness. She suddenly pulled away and Steve’s eyes darted around in the darkness, taking in his surroundings. They were in a dark room, the outline of a bed visible.

“Nat?” He said his hands, reaching for her waist but his fingers met the soft skin of the Russian, “What are you doing?”

She silenced him with another kiss, her deft fingers slipping beneath his shirt, sending warm shivers over his skin. He didn’t know what she was doing to him and yet he enjoyed it. Her touch and seductive caresses sending blood rushing through him. He never felt this feeling with no other woman and yet here it was, sending them both tumbling into the bed. Desire left unsatisfied simmered between them, a pair of blue eyes meeting green ones, both filled with lust. He knew what happened between a man and a woman, and yet, experiencing the feeling for the first time made him realize what he was missing out on. He let his body go, his hands combing through Natasha’s red hair as they kissed feverently. Her hands removed his leather jacket, along with the white shirt underneath and soon his pants were long gone as well. The need for her skin to touch his overpowered him, his calloused fingers gently hugging her dress past her shoulders, lips touching every inch of skin left exposed.

He wanted to see the beauty beneath him and yet the darkness gave him an chance to explore the valleys and plains of the female spy. They said no words, letting their bodies speak for themselves. Moans of pleasure coming from both of them as he entered her, Natasha’s cries and his own grunts mixing together with every thrust of his hips. They rose to their climax, each one exploding into shudders and moans of pleasure before stilling into a tangle of limbs.

A sudden thought occurred to him, something rather important that he should have thought earlier, “Natasha,” he said breathlessly, “I didn’t use protection."

Natasha’s soft chuckle rose from beneath, “No need for that, Rogers. It’s impossible for me to get pregnant and I know you don’t go around sleeping with other women."

He could hear the pain in her voice as she spoke of her infertility. Guilt filled him, his arms wrapping around her in an attempt to comfort her but the strong willed woman broke free from his embrace, a scuffle filling the darkness.

“Nat?” He spoke as he sat up in confusion.

The sounds of heels clicking against the floor filled the void, “I’ll see you in the morning Steve,” she murmured before leaving the room and taking his heart with her.

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