Chapter 5

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Natasha's heart clenched in pain, "Steve. Don't be so cruel. You know I can't have kids."

Steve inhaled as if he tried to contain himself from bursting, "Bruce said something about your hCG levels are at 5,000. Meaning you've been pregnant for three weeks." She glanced at the paper in her hands. It was definitive proof of something that was nearly impossible for someone like her.

Her heart swelled with hope but her mind was still in shock, "I don't understand. How is it possi- Oh."

Steve glanced at her, "What is it?"

A thought flirted through her mind and blush coated her cheeks, "Super serum, super sperm."

The soldier's eyes grew wide, "Oh."

Natasha wanted to say more but the grand entrance of Tony Stark interrupted her.

"Well hello father and mother to be! What's it gonna be? A boy or a girl?" he said popping out a glass of champagne and raising it in the air in a manner of celebration.

Natasha glanced at Steve, his posture slightly uncomfortable. Their eyes met but she quickly looked away. Did he like her? Did he want to be with her? Did he even want the baby?

Her hands immediately went to her stomach where she could feel the life growing inside her. She was going to keep the baby. Natasha was sure of it.


He was ecstatic. Everything he ever wanted was all bundled together in a single woman. A woman who had been occupying his mind the past few nights.

His mind cut off Tony's monologue while he stared at Natasha, whose hands flitted over her flat stomach, a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Hey Tony? Do you think you could leave us alone for a bit?" the soldier spoke.  Tony shrugged and took a sip from the champagne before walking out.

"I'm keeping the baby Steve," Natasha said, her green eyes revealing nothing. Steve let out a sigh of relief. Perhaps there was a chance between him and the spy.

He moved the seat and sat by her side, being careful with the machines that monitored her vitals, "I want you to keep our child and I will help you raise him or her." He reached out for her hand and enveloped it with his. This wasn't how he expected for him or Natasha relationship to start, but for him, something was better than nothing.

He felt her fingers squeeze his hand, "I don't want you thinking that I'm keeping the baby because I want to be one of the single moms that use their children to get money."

He glanced at their hands, slender fingers peeking through his rough one. The image of a ring on her finger flashing through his mind.

"Marry me," he blurted, his eyes searching for her reaction.

Her emerald eyes grew wide, soft lips parting in surprise, "Steve, I-"

"Think of the baby. He'll need both parents there, and I want to be there for him," spoke softly, rubbing her slender wrist.

Natasha took in a deep breath, "I don't want to trap you in a marriage Steve. We're only friends, you deserve to find someone who will make you happy."

You make me happy, he thought but his lips couldn't form the words. He wasn't going to let her go so easily, he was going to fight for her till the end of the line.

"Then live with me," he murmured, "I'll take care of you. Buy food, whatever you need."

She laughed, "Steve. We live in the Avengers Tower. We'd practically live next to each other."

"I'll buy a house, like Clint's. I'm sure I have enough money saved."

Natasha pursed her lips, deep in thought, removing her hand from his, "Let me think about it."


He wanted her to live with him, the man who's child she was expecting. Her hand fell on her flat stomach while the other held a grainy picture of where her baby was forming.

She laid back against the bed, her head hitting the soft pillow. Her mind whirled at the thoughts of living with a super soldier, he was kind, strong and hopelessly lost when it came to the matters of the heart.

A soft sigh came from her lips. He wanted to take care of her because he was the one that impregnated her and he felt responsible.

It had been a week since he made the offer and he had kept his distance, leaving her to decide. She knew that if she were to take his offer, she would no longer be the cold hearted assassin. Feelings for the super soldier would definitely awaken. What had started out as a simple one night stand to satisfy a certain craving had turned into something more that would surely change the rest of their lives.

She couldn't do this alone, Clint would definitely help her but he had his own to take care of especially little Nathaniel. The rest of the Avengers didn't any more burden to their problems.

The vibration of her cellphone took her out of thoughts, Fury's name displayed on the screen.

Reluctantly she answered, "Director Fury."

"What the fucking blazes is going on Agent Romanoff?" his deep voice growled through the speaker, making her wince.

"I don't know what you mean Sir," she spoke, trying to sound emotionless as possible.

"I mean by that fact that you're expecting a kid. Honestly Romanoff I thought you were smarter than that."

Her jaw clenched, "Well I'm not going to abort the child if that's what you're getting at."

"I'm not. You're on desk duty before going on maternity leave."

"But Si-"

"But fucking nothing. In your line of work we can't have you fainting out of the blue, and there is nothing you can say about it," he said sternly before hanging up.

Natasha glanced at the screen of her cell, her contacts visible. She was going to be bored out of her mind the following months. She had to do it, the more she thought about it, there was no choice.

Her finger tapped on his name, before raising the device to her ear.

It rang several times before a click was heard, "Hello?"

"Hey. Um, I'm taking up your offer," she murmured, her voice sounding slightly panicked than what she wanted.

"Nat? Are you sure?"

She said nothing before he spoke again, "I'll be right over," Steve murmured.

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