Chapter 4

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Natasha stared into the mirror, her expression one of fatigue but it was nothing a little make up couldn't fix.

As her fingers smeared the concealer over the bags of her eyes, her mind went to the bouquet of flowers someone left on her doorstep. She had found them earlier when she went to get a small cup of early morning coffee.

The roses looked like they had been chosen in their prime, velvet petals in full bloom. Their smell had reached her nose, sending her heart fluttering inside her chest at the thought of someone leaving her roses.

"But it said 'Get well soon'," she mumbled, adjusting her black shirt as she approached the door. Well at least she did feel much better, the nausea had long passed and she was sure that she would be able to hold at least a small bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"Hey Natasha!" Tony exclaimed as she entered the dining area. He seemed to sipping on what looked like a green smoothie, a few dark stains on his fingertips and forehead.

"Hey Stark. Working on your suits again?" she said with a grin.

Tony snapped his fingers, his index finger pointing at her, "Right on," he quipped and disappeared into another room, his voice resonating from it, "By the way. It's good to have you back. The rest of the team have been moping around since you were gone. I swear, they were like kids who had there favorite toys taken away."

Her heart swelled at the thought that the team had missed her. A flash of strawberry blonde hair caught her attention as well as the brilliant white smile that seemed to tame even the playboy billionaire.

"Hello Pepper," she said, returning the smile.

"Hello Natasha! Feeling better? Clint told me you were a little sick yesterday," Pepper spoke, her voice laced with concern.

Tony immediately appeared in the doorway, a piece of his suit covering his hand, "Are you kidding me? The great Black Widow was sick?"

Natasha rolled her eyes and walked past them, "Yes Stark, I'm human too," she spoke, not paying attention to what was coming her way. Her body slammed against a wall of muscle, the familiar scent of masculinity making itself known. Strong arms wrapped around her, the feeling of protection surrounding her.

"Are you alright Natasha?" Steve spoke, concern lacing his deep voice. Her eyes grew wide and she pulled away, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, a bashful smile on her lips.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking," she stuttered, quickly making a wide turn around him to go inside the kitchen.

It was a huge mistake.

The repulsive smell of waffles sent her stomach heaving. She covered her mouth with her hand and barreled into the nearest bathroom.

Natasha was throwing up the remaining contents of her stomach when a pair of hands pulled her hair away from her face and a soothing hand rubbed her back.

A glass of water appeared which she took, swishing her mouth with the cold liquid and spitting it out into the sink.

"Are you okay Nat?" Steve murmured behind her. Sapphire eyes met hers, the gems glowing with concern. She could forever get lost in those blue eyes and her heart would never object. However her mind controlled her body, making her frigid from any form of concern.

"I'm fine," she scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "I probably ate something bad."

"Nat," Steve said, his voice stern, "You should get checked out by Banner at least."

Anger flared inside her, "What part of I'm okay do you not understand?" she growled. Steve made no move, his eyes looking at her as if searching for anything out of place. It only infuriated her further, and just as she was about to leave, a wave of dizziness overtook her.

This one was a strange sensation, something that she had never experienced. It was if her body suddenly felt heavy and her eyesight blurred to darkness.

Did Steve slip her something in the water? Impossible. Why would he do it? she thought as her mind plunged into unconsciousness, the last thing she remembered was a beautiful set of bright blue eyes.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

It was a familiar sound, something she had grown accustomed to. She never did like hospitals and the smell of antiseptic and the over use of bleach filled her lungs. Slowly her eyes opened, the bright bulbs of the infirmary blinding her for a few seconds before her pupils grew accustomed to the light. She turned her head, Steve's large body sitting in what looked like in a rather uncomfortable chair. He held a sheet of paper in his hands, his face set in a rather indecipherable expression.

"Steve?" she croaked out. He didn't move, his eyes never leaving the white paper.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he finally said after a few moments.

Confusion clouded her mind, "Tell you what?"

The soldier stood up, his large frame looming over hers, his bright eyes flashing with hurt, "How long have you known about this?" he said, waving the paper as if she knew what was on it.

Natasha huffed in frustration, "I don't know what you're talking about Steve."

He gave her the paper that was in his hands, "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"

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