Chapter 36 - Evan

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"What's this for?" Ro asks when Evan hands her his wallet.

"To buy the land across the street. We have more in the bank." Evan stands in front of Ro, waiting for her to offer guidance. He is unsure of who to give the money to and how to buy the land.

"Oh, Evan. I know this is what Michael wants to do, but even if we combine all our money, we won't have enough," Ro says. She gives the wallet back to Evan, wets a cloth, and sprays the kitchen counters with cleaner.

"I can get more money. We can sell more vegetables. Kazuki can help."

"It's not that easy. To buy that land, we would have to pay the owners millions of dollars. They've already spent lots of money on plans and getting approval. They're starting to prepare the land. Even if we did fundraising, we wouldn't get enough."

Evan rubs his eyes. Ro isn't making sense. He can get lots more money. What he needs help with now is how to buy the land.

"Kazuki got $1200 yesterday," Evan says.

"Kazuki did what?" Ro stops wiping the kitchen counter and looks directly at Evan.

"He got money from the computer."


"He asked his family and his new friends."

"I need to talk to him. That's a lot of money."

"Only his mom gave a lot of money. She gave $100. Everyone else gave about $5 or $10."

Ro tosses the cloth in the sink and finds Kazuki in the living room, typing madly on the computer.

"Look!" Kazuki cries with excitement.

Ro looks at where he is pointing, the figure on the screen updates as she watches. First it shows $2867, then the screen updates, and the number changes to $3998.

"How are you getting this money?" Ro asks Kazuki. Her voice is low and quiet. Evan wonders if she is angry.

"My, my, my friends," Kazuki replies. He sighs with fatigue.

Tell her, I have many friends, but I am too tired to explain, Kazuki says to Evan.

Even though the residents can communicate telepathically with each other, they find it hard to communicate in this manner with Ro who tries too hard, communicates too loudly, and gets angry.  Communication without words with Ro is something the residents tend to avoid.

Evan notices the dark circles under Kazuki's red rimmed eyes and the tired shape of his body as he slumps over the computer, responding to dozens of messages that keep popping up.

"Kazuki has been up all night working for us," Evan explains. "Now he's too tired to talk."

"Okay Kazuki, it's time for a break. You need something to eat and a nap," Ro says.

"No! No, no, no!" Kazuki replies. Tell Ro I have many friends and they want to talk. I can't let them down.

Evan explains Kazuki's message to Ro and watches as her eyes widen. She takes a deep breath and slowly exhales while looking at the ceiling before addressing Kazuki.

"I need to see what you're doing," Ro says. "What are you writing? Where is the money going? Who are your friends?"

Tell her, it's about gardening and my chickens. Tell her my friends are people I found on Facebook groups. Tell her, my mom set up an account for our fund raising.

Again, Evan relays Kazuki's message. Kazuki moves closer to the screen, blocking Ro's view.

Ro will think you're hiding something, Evan says. Move back so she can see who you're writing to.

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