Chapter 5 - Diane

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Took Ana to the "party" at residence on Georgia Street.  She sat on a couch and played with toys most of the time.  No aggressive behaviours even with lots of people and food. She ate apples, grapes, and rice crackers.  Good time had by all!

Dinner at Ana's home consisted of baked salmon, rice, and salad with tomatoes and green peppers.  She watched tv and played on her iPad after dinner. 

Bath.  Hair washed and blow dried. Staff noticed small bruise on client's chin.  Snack of popcorn.  Teeth brushed.  Ana asleep by 22:17. 

*Note: Ana's mother called @ 19:26 and said she would like to take client out tomorrow afternoon for two hours, if she has no other plans.  Staff said Ana had no plans.  Mother will call tomorrow morning to confirm.  Good shift.........  DL

Diane finishes writing in the communication book about ten minutes prior to her shift ending.  It had been an easy shift and she is looking forward to going home, having a bath, and going to bed.  She takes her notebook out of her purse and writes herself a few reminders for the following day.  1. fitness class, 2. make muffins, 3. visit Janice in hospital - take board games, magazines, and muffins,  4. check movies playing on Friday, 5. buy milk, eggs, and cheese bread, 6. get to work early. 

Diane looks around the staff room.  Everything is clean and tidy as it always is at the end of her shifts.  She hurriedly scratches a note for the morning staff person about the clothes she has ironed and are now hanging in the closet ready to go for Ana.  She places Ana's prettiest barrette beside the note.  This time, Diane thinks, Ana will look good for her parents.  Working the afternoon shift tomorrow, Diane will see Ana when she returns from the visit with her parents.

She tiptoes to Ana's room and stands watching Ana sleep. Ana is quite a character, a real handful actually. But when she sleeps, she looks so adorable Diane wants to smother her with kisses. A quiet knock at the door alerts Diane to the arrival of the night shift staff.  It is time for her to go. Diane sighs.  Now, home for her own well deserved bath.

At home, Diane lies back in her bath letting the warm sudsy water float around her.  Once a week she treats herself to an expensive bath bomb.  Tonight is her treat bath.  She breaths in the smell of roses and lavender.  Small rose petals float around her on fluffy, pink bubbles.  She feels the sea salt gently sooth her muscles, drawing out impurities.  It is true what they said at the store where she bought her bath treats - they are well worth the extravagant price.

What would Diane do if she had a child like Ana?  She certainly couldn't afford to buy her a home.   Instead, she would give what couldn't be bought - her love and time.  Those gifts are far better, Diane decides.  Maybe that was Ana's problem.  Maybe her parents didn't know how to love her.  Maybe they hadn't spent enough time with Ana.  But what did she know about raising children, anyways? 

The old pain of being alone and childless renews its attack on Diane's heart.  She can't think like this.  It doesn't matter why Ana is the way she is.  Anyway, because Ana needs help, Diane has her in her life and she loves Ana - like she was her own child.  Ana loves her too, Diane is sure of it.  Sometimes Ana hugs her and when Ana acts out, it is like any child testing their parent's boundaries.  Diane smiles to herself. Even when Ana is at her wildest, Diane knows she can handle her.

The next day, Diane arrives fifteen minutes early for her afternoon shift. All morning, she has been looking forward to reading the morning staff's report.  She hurries up the front stairs of Ana's house and knocks on the door.  After a few minutes, June opens the door.

"Is Ana still out with her parents?" Diane asks, a little out of breath.

"Yes.  They arrived at 2:00 and they will return Ana at 4:00," June says.

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