Happy ending!

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Third Person POV***

At exactly 1 Michael, Af and Cassiel drop into Derek's loft. The pack all stand up.

"We are ready." Sam says standing tall.

"Good." Michael says and with that they are teleported to a empty field surrounded by trees. A warm wind blows it beautiful but it's dead silent. To silent.

"Remember this is your destiny no matter the cost." Michael says then disappears zapping out.

"So you are the people who are meant to kill me." A rough gravely voice speaks.

The pack turn around to face a man that stands at six foot, his hair jet black, tanned skin his eyes soulless black pits. Around hundreds of people standing around him all sharing one quality, their black eyes.

"Yeah we are so how about you just come quietly so we don't embarrass you on your death bed." Luna says acting braver than she really is, not knowing the demons can hear her heartbeat thumping against her chest loudly.

"Well let's settle this then. Let's FIGHT!" Grey yells the army of demons shouting in response as they march forward.

Roars from the were-wolves are heard, spells are being spoken and Sam allows her wings to be shown.

"I love you guys." Sam whispers. I love you's are heard as they charge towards the demons.

Throats are being slashed and the pack are getting injured and tired as the hours drone on.

"We need to have a break..." Liam pants. His shirt dripping in blood as the pack re-groups.

Stiles has blood dripping down his temple, Lydia is limping as she was thrown against a tree, Malia has blood dripping down her arm, Jackson is beaten bloody his nose looks broken, Kira is sure to have broken her hand and her shirt is soaked in blood as well, the twins are scratched and bruised, Alison was high in the trees so she isn't injured, Isaac and Elena were both fighting together a both of them bruised with bleeding noses but healing, Hayden has a concussion same with Corey, Scott has a bloody shirt and scratched thighs, Luna is breathing heavily as she has bloody dripping from her nose temple and I thigh soaking her jeans, Peter slightly damaged and bloody, Derek's shirt is ripped to shreds with blood staining his shirt, while Sam looks like she's been stabbed but has healed dark blood soaking her shirt and blood at her temple.

"There are so many of them how are we going to kill them all?" Stiles asks tired.

"I don't know... Some of the spells in my book might but I'm no where near powerful enough to do them." Luna sighs looking through her book.

"Have you given up?" Grey shouts from the army.


"Well try a little harder!" He laughs. This makes the pack mad as they go a charge against them again.

Grey goes and hides behind his army like a coward.

The fight goes on and on, demon bodies dropping to the ground. The pack getting more blood of the demons on them than their own.

They don't stop even when the sun is setting the full moon coming into the place, the time where the were-wolves are the strongest.

Their roars loud making everyone alert. They seem to be getting the upper hand, especially when the moon is in the middle of the sky signalling that it's midnight.

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