Chapter Nine: Learning About My Father

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Sam's POV***

"You're my father?" I say in disbelief.

I knew that my dad was an angel, but an archangel?

"That's why you are so powerful for a Nephilim, you have my genes." Michaels says.

I look at my pack,they look like they are trying to figure this all out. I look at my mate, Derek is just sussing out my dad to make sure he doesn't hurt me. The reason that I know he's thinking that is because he has this face when he is being protective. I smile.

I look back at my dad, and my smile turns into a small glare.

"Af and Cassiel can you please leave but make sure you come when I call." Michael waves them off.

"Yes brother." Cassiel says. After they leave Michael looks at the pack.

"Look I will explain everything, now let's all take a seat." Michael gestures to the couch then sitting down on it.

The whole pack manages to fit with Luna on Scott's lap, Elena on Isaacs lap and myself of Derek's.

"Why is it our destiny to kill the King of hell?" Lydia asks Michael.

"Well it was always written in the heavens that one day that all of you will join a Nephilim in the war to fight against Grey. We had a difficult time trying to get you all together. Killing Stiles mother so Scott and him can become best friends, making sure Derek's family dies in a fire, making sure Alison's mother finds out about Scott so she gets bitten, divorcing Scott's parents and myself breeding with Sam's mother." Michael speaks and I suddenly get angry along with Stiles, Scott , Alison and Derek.

"YOU KILLED ALL THOSE PEOPLE JUST SO WE COULD LIVE OUR DESTINY!" I scream, Derek holds me down on his lap so I don't try and kill Michael.

Alison, Stiles, Scott and Derek look like they are about to burst and give Michael a piece of their minds, but Michael beats them to it.

"If we didn't do that Scott and Stiles wouldn't be friends right now, Alison wouldn't be the hunter she is today." Michael speaks and they look up.

What? So if that didn't happen we wouldn't be here today. Alison, Stiles and Scott sit down and shut their mouths, but still look angry.

"What about me? Whyy did you k-kill my family?" Derek's voice cracks slightly. My poor Derek.

"Then you and Sam wouldn't be mates you'll be mated to another person. Sam would never have been born." As Michael says that Derek's arms tighten around my waist, he buries his face into my back.

"Thank you for killing my family then." Derek mumbles. "I can't believe I ever lived without Sam."

I smile at Derek. "I can't believe I ever lived without you."

"I will give you time. But tomorrow at 1 I will be back to tell you more about the up and coming war."

And with that Michael disappears.

"The Angels did all that just so we could live out our destiny!" Luna stands up angrily.

"Luna calm down. If that didn't happen we wouldn't be here today. Scott would never have been bitten, Lydia wouldn't know about her powers, Isaac, Erica and Boyd wouldn't have been bitten because Derek had his own pack, Alison wouldn't be the hunter she is now, I wouldn't have been born. We all wouldn't be friends." I explain and that seems to calm Luna down.

"Well it's still fucked up." Luna says with a loud sigh.

"So do we say yes?" Derek asks. "To fight the King of hell?"

"I don't know. We will probably get hurt, maybe even die...." Stiles says.

"We need to say yes. If the demon attacks keep happening it could destroy the world." I speak.

"Let's do it then." Scott says.

Everyone stands up and raises their fists in the air, the were-wolves howling and everyone else screaming.

Once everyone quiets down I start to pray for Michael to come back.

"Dad get down here we have our answer." I say and Michael appears beside me.

"What is your answer?" Michael looks at the whole pack.

"It's yes." I answer for them.

"The fight will be two days from now I will get you when it's time." With that Michael vanishes.

"We have two days let's make the most of it!" Luna yells grabbing Scott and racing outside.

"Everyone out of the loft!" Derek growls in his alpha voice and everyone leaves besides me, because Derek has pinned me against the wall.

He starts kissing and sucking on my neck.

Well this will be fun.....

Luna's POV***

(The smut begins.)

We arrive at Scott's place, his mum is out working until late tonight.

Once we get inside the house Scott and I start making out passionately. He lifts me up by my thighs and carries me to his room, throwing me on his bed, closing his door behind him.

Scott crawls over me kissing me again, then we break it off so we can take our shirts off. We then join again and Scott makes his way down my stomach making me arch my back.

Scott then gets to my pants and unbuttons them slowly pulling them down my legs, Scott stands up pull them fully off my legs and he button his jeans pushing them down his legs. Once he's finished he comes back up to kiss me and tries to undo my bra, I arch my back so it's easier. When he takes it off he flings it across the room.

He sucks and kisses my breasts then going down further to take off my panties. He slides them off my legs taking his time with it so he can feel my legs. Once they are off me slides his underwear off his erection springing up hitting his stomach.

He leans back over me and gets a condom out of his draw. He rips open the packet and rolls it onto his length.

"You ready?" He whispers in my ear. I nod slowly.

He enters me slowly and pleasure of comes my body, Scott holds my hand as he thrusts in and out off me.

Our moans filling up the room and soon enough I am close to the edge.

One more thrust and I cum loudly with Scott's name flowing past my lips in a moan. This seemed to have sent Scott over the edge cause we groans loudly riding us through our orgasms.

He pulls out taking off the condom and ties it up throwing it in the bin. We both get under the covers and cuddle.

"I love you Luna." Scott mumbles into my ears.

"I love you too." I mumble back.

Imagine tomorrow might be our last day on earth.

Grey's POV***


The story will be over soon after the war....
I hope you enjoyed!
Love you,

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