Chapter Six: A Date With Scott

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Dedicating this to one of my friends. She is the inspiration for Luna and has been reading this book from the first ever chapter from when it was first published. So love you!
This will be placed five days after the sleepover between Luna and Sam.
Luna's POV***

"Yes Scott and I are going on a date so what?" I mumble.

"Hey surely it's your 3rd year anniversary and he's your MATE!" Sam exclaims.

"Ok true I'm FREAKING OUT!!!" I exclaim. "I need help picking out an outfit!"

"Then let's call Lydia over so she can help." Sam says, I look over to her she's laying upside down on my bed texting someone. Probably Derek, judging by the wide smile Sam has basically over taking her face. I chuckle at her.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Your face." I say.

"Shut up..." Sam goes bright red.

"SAM AND DEREK SITTING IN A TREE-" I start but I am cut off by the door opening.

"So you two are together?" Lydia stands leaning against the door frame with a raised eyebrow.


"Don't worry I won't tell anyone. Now I heard that there was an emergency?" Lydia says.

"Yes I have my anniversary with Scott today and I don't know what to wear!" I complain.

"Ok calm down I'm here to help!" Lydia says going towards my closet. "Sam come and help me please."

Sam goes up to Lydia and I hear them whispering about what I should wear but I can't make out any words.

I lay down on the bed and I grab Sam's phone to play games I see a message pop up.

"Sammy you just got a message." I say.

"Read it out to me please." Sam says. I shrug and go into her messages it's from Derek.

"If you say so." I smirk. "Hey Angel, I'll pick you up at 9 to show you my new place. xxx"

I look up at Sam and her face goes red.

"Derek's got a new place?" Lydia asks.

"Yeah he does it's really cool. I went with him to check it out." Sam says going pack to picking out my outfit.

"Well what do you want me to reply with?" I ask.

"Uh reply with, It's a date Woolfie, you better have a TV set up. xxx." Sam says as I type out the message.

"Do you want me to add a nude or?" I laugh making Lydia and Sam laugh.

"Shut up!" Sam chuckles.

"We have your outfit picked out!" Lydia smiles making Sam and I smile back.

I grab the clothes and go get changed, I slipped on the black high waisted skirt, I then put on the red crop top and I put on my black heels.

I walk out of the bathroom and I see Lydia and Sam smiling at me widely. Sam comes up with a necklace and puts it on my neck and Lydia grabs my wrist and puts a red watch on it.

"Now the hair!" Sam shouts excitedly.

"I dibs the make up!" Lydia smiles.

I sit down on a chair and Sam stands behind me brushing my hair and starts to hum a song.

"What song is that?" I ask.

"Every rose has its thorn." Sam replies starting to do more stuff to my hair.

She starts to hum again and in 5 minutes she's done with my hair. In another 10 minutes Lydia is done with my make-up. I get up and look into the mirror.

"I look beautiful." I smile.

"Yeah you do." Sam smiles hugging me.

I hug Sam and Lydia when I hear the doorbell go off.

"Bye Luna." Sam and Lydia say at the same time.

"Bye guys." I smile and walk downstairs.

I get to the door and take a deep breath. I open it and I see Scott standing there with a button up shirt on.

"Wow you look beautiful!" Scott smiles checking me out.

"You don't look so bad yourself." I chuckle.

"Ready to go on our date beautiful?" Scott asks making me blush.

"I am ready!" I smile giving Scott a kiss.

We link hands and get into Scott's car.

||||||time skip to the date||||||

I get out of the car and then I realise we are in the middle of the woods. Scott takes my hand again and he takes me to a picnic blanket that has candles surrounding them. There is a basket in the middle on the blanket.

"Wow Scott you went all out tonight." I smile widely.

"It is our third year anniversary." Scott smiles.

"You are awesome!" I turn to Scott and wrap him in a huge hug.

"Let's eat!" Scott shouts smiling at me.

||||||time skip to after they eat||||||

"Luna?" Scott asks nervously.

"Yeah Scott?"

"I have something for you." Scott smiles.

"You didn't have to get me a gift! Cause I didn't get you anything!" I exclaim. We told each other not to get anything.

"Well it's kind of a gift and a promise." Scott looks around nervously.

"What is it Scott?" I'm confused now.

"You Luna are everything to me. Your are my mate, my girlfriend and the only one for me. No I'm not going to ask you to marry me but I'm going to promise you that I'll be there until I ask you to marry me." I am close to crying.

Scott pulls out a silver ring.

"It says 'My Heart Is Yours' because it's true you own my heart." Scott smiles sliding it on my finger.

I cry even more and kiss him.

"I love you so much Scott." I smile into the kiss my hands on his face.

"I love you so much too Luna." Scott kisses me passionately.

Scott and I lay back down and link hands staring up into the sky that's full of stars.

I am so lucky to have Scott as my mate.

I hope you enjoyed!
Love you,

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