Chapter Five: Best Friends and Sharing Secrets

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Their pyjamas.

Luna's POV***

"God Scott you won't see me for just one night! And you'll be right next door calm down." I laugh at the little puppy that's sitting on my bed.

"Ok well if you need me just yell." Scott says picking up my bags so I can sleepover at Sam's tonight.

For some reason we just seemed to click and we have gotten really close. She's basically my best friend.

Scott and I jump into his car and we turn on the radio and Stitches by Shawn Mendes comes on and Scott and I belt out the lyrics until we arrive at Sam's place.

"Bye Scott." I give him a kiss and get out of the car.

"Bye Lu!" He yells after me as I walk up to the front door.

I knock on the door excitedly. I hope this goes well. A very excited Sam opens the door and pulls me into a hug, I hug back just as hard as Sam hugs me.

"Hey Sammy!" I smile as she lets me in.

"Hey Lu! Come upstairs to my humble room." Sam drags me up to her room.

Once I get to her room I look around. She has a king sized bed in the corner of her room with fairy lights hanging around it, there are posters of random bands on a part of her wall, she also has these pictures of these random symbols, she has a guitar in the corner and some other things that make her room feel like home.

"Nice room." I compliment.

"I try." Sam chuckles. I check the time on my phone and it's 6:49pm and I'm hungry.

"I'm hungry!!!!" I groan.

"Well what are you craving?" Sam asks me grabbing her phone.

"Uhhhh I feel like pizza!" I smile.

"Lucky for you I have the best Pizza joint in my contacts." Sam laughs making me laugh as well.

Sam leaves the room to order the Pizza and as I wait for her I sit on her bed. I look over to her night stand and I see a piece of paper with some writing on it, I don't mean to be nosey I'm just curious.

It says:

Sorry I had to leave but I just couldn't wake you up.
I had to take care of something's I'll tell you about them next time we see each other.

"Hey Lu I'm going to get changed- what are you reading?" Sam raises and eyebrow.

"Who is this from?" I smirk.

"That is none of your business..." Sam's face goes red as she grabs the note off of me. I laugh at her embarrassment.

"Let's get changed love bird." I chuckle.

I go into the bathroom with my bag I slip on my pyjama shorts, my flannel and my fuzzy socks. I knock on the door to see if Sam is done and she is so I walk out.

I see her sitting on her bed with a maroon shirt that looks oh so familiar. But before could question her about it the doorbell rang.

"PIZZA IS HERE!" She whoops making me crack up laughing.

We walk down the stairs and open the door a kid about 15 is standing there with a smirk on his face. Sam and I look at each other trying not to laugh. I think this kid is flirting with us.

"So that'll be $24 and a kiss from each of you." The kid smirks.

"Firstly, give me our pizza." Sam says paying him and grabbing the pizza and setting it down on the table beside the door. "Secondly, my friend here has a very serious relationship with my neighbour and I bet you that if she calls him he'll come around and whoop your ass. Thirdly, I don't go for younger boys or boys my age for that matter, older guys are more my type."

"Well I am very mature for my age sweetheart so maybe we could get together." This kid just won't give up.

"Kid listen. This shirt belongs to my boyfriend and judging by this shirt how big do you think this guy is?" Sam asks smirking.

"He could just like baggy clothes." Kid States. Making Sam roll her eyes. She turns to face me.

"I don't really care if you know just promise not to tell our p-group." She says and I nod. "Ever heard of Derek Hale?"

The kid nods.

"Well this is his shirt and I'm warning you he's pretty protective over me so if I was you I would leave right now." Sam glares with an eyebrow raised.

The kid frantically nods and runs away. I look at Sam with a huge smile.

"What?" Sam asks closing the door and grabbing the pizza walking up to her room.

"I KNEW YOU AND-" Sam wraps her hand over my mouth.

"Shush if you yell that out Scott and Elena will hear." She lets go of my mouth and I can't control my smile, but that then turns into a confused frown.

"Why haven't you and Derek told anyone?" I ask.

"Well it was my idea I just thought that Derek would like to keep us on the down low so he can fully understand this mate business." Sam shrugs grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Ok now tell me every single detail. Have you guys done the nasty yet? Have you kissed? What has happened?" I gush. Happy that Derek has found his mate.

"Well we haven't done the nasty he wants it to be special, we have kissed and it was amazing like he's such a good kisser and well we have been talking a lot and he told me a lot of things I told him a lot of things." Sam finished.

"What kind of things did you tell him?" I ask.

"The reason behind my tattoo." Sam replied.

"And what is the reason?" I ask genuinely interested.

I look at Sam's eyes and I instantly regret asking that question because her eyes have welled up with tears and there are so many emotions swimming around in them that I can't quite tell which ones there are.

"Well it's the forest surrounding where my sister was buried." Sam chokes on her tears and I rush to comfort her.

"I'm sorry." I comfort her.

"You don't need to be you weren't the one that killed her." Sam sobs.

"You know what let's blast some Tay Swift and jump around and act like we are normal teenagers. Not witches, or Angels that have a pack with banshees, chimeras, were-wolves, kitsunes etc!" I exclaim.

"Yeah let's do just that." Sam giggles.

We get up and start dancing around the room being total idiots.

Unknowns POV***

"The pack is stronger than we thought and we didn't count on a Nephilim joining that pack." Says one of my many followers.

"It is rare that we have a Nephilim in town." Says another. I've had enough of that pack they killed one of my greatest demons!

"THEY MUST ALL DIE!" I scream.

I hope you enjoyed!
Love you,

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