chapter 19

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So I honestly don't know how much longer this is going to be. I only have a few more ideas and then I'm winging it. 🐖🐷🐽🌞🌝🐛🐞🐝🐜🐡🐙. You know what I just noticed. I don't have a butterfliiii emoji. What the fuck kind of shit is that?
Bain ' s pov

It's been two weeks since we took over as Alphas, Coley ' s heat and our mating and going at it like wild wolves. He's changed. In the last couple days he's become snappy, cranky and scary. Bran and I decided today we would plan another date and maybe see what's going on with him.

"I was thinking since the lights are still up by the waterfall we could do a picnic, run play in the water kind of date." I said from my desk. We gave Coley dad's desk because we liked ours. He likes to come in and help ot so now he don't have to hover he can have his own desk.

"I kind of think I know what's wrong with him and would like to suggest a visit to Dr Hanna. We can tell him it's standard to do check ups on newly mated wolves and because he's Luna he needs to be seen." Bran said.

"You don't think hes..." I trailed off. He could be. I hope he is.

"I think we get him in checked and if he is we tell him on our date. Call one of the Omega's and have them get started on fixing up a nice dinner and a place to eat it at the waterfall. I'll call Hanna and Coley." He said picking up his phone.

I dialed up one of my favorite people and crossed my fingers.

"This better be good, Alpha Bain." Her voice said.

"Wendy my favorite person next to my mate. I need a huge favor." I said sweetly.

"I so love Cody. I miss his sweet presents in the kitchen every morning." She sighed.

"We Bran and I wanted to do something nice for him. And we thought what would be nicer then a picnic dinner out by the waterfall." I said as sweet as I could.

"So you want me go pack a picnic along with blanket and everything. Plus go out and have it all set up. Am I right, Alpha pain in my ass." She said ever so sweetly. I chuckled. She was a fire cracker and I loved her for it.

"If you would be so kindly. I have some of those chocolates you like. I'll bring them to you if you'd like." I said holding my breath.

"Candy for the picnic basket yogi." She said in her best park ranger voice.

"Great, fare trade I'll see you at 4 with the candy. Just have whoever leave the basket at the falls. I love you Wendy, you are my favorite." I sang before hanging up.

"You have bags of that candy and now I know why." Bran said laughing.

"If I didn't she wouldn't do it." I pouted.

"Yes she would and you know it." Bran said.

The door opened and a cranky looking Coley walked in. He sat down in his seat and opened a file. Bran and I tried not to stare but he looked so cute. His hair was andll over the place his shirt wrinkled and his pants were a bit crooked.

"What?" He demanded.

"How would you like to go on a date tonight?" I asked.

"Sure, yeah I guess." He said with a sigh.

"Dr. Hanna reminded me that you need a check up and scheduled one for today. In an hour actually." Bran said not looking up from a paper he was reading. He couldn't lie to save himself so he knew to keep his head down.

"Why?" He asked in a whiny voice.

"I guess they have to do a check up on new Lunas once they take over." I said holding a file folder in front of me. I couldn't lie either.

"Fine, what time?" He asked closing the file.

"At 12:30." Bran said.

"Fine." Coley said getting up and storming our of the room.

"That went well." I said closing the file.

"He went to take a shower we will give him a minute and then go make him relax." Bran did.

I liked the sound of that but when we got to our room we found Coley crying and throwing his clothes around the room.

"Hold up, babe." I said catching his favorite pants. Bran grabbed him pulled him in to the closet and pulled one of my shirts over his head and some of Bran's sweats.

"There." Bran said pulling Coley to him for a hug.

"I'm..... ugh I don't even know. I think this date is what I need. I need to get out of the his house and spend some time with you guys. I think I miss my mom." He said and started crying again.

"We can Skype with them tonight when we get back." I suggested.

"Okay." He said wiping his eyes with the shirt.

"Come on we will be late of we don't hurry." Bran said.

"But the mess. Gosh look what I did." He said shaking his head his shoulders dropped and I knew he was mad at himself.

"We will get it when we get home." I said pulling him along.

We made it to Dr Hanna ' s with five minutes to spare. Coley sat watching the little kids play. I watched him and couldn't wait to get this appointment over.

"Luna, Dr Hanna will see you now. Go in and fave a seat in room number 2." Val the front desk lady said.

"Thanks." We all said before heading back to room 2.

Dr. Hanna was waiting for us when we walked in. She was setting up a chart that read Luna Coledee Mac Centerfield. He frowned I know he hated being a man in a female role.

"You can change that to Alpha Coledee Centerfield." I said making him smile.

"Sure, so Alpha Coledee I'd lie to start off by running some test. We need a look at your reproductive organs so I've scheduled an ultrasound as well." Dr. Hanna said.

"Why are we doing this?" He asked.

"Every Luna goes through this to make sure they are healthy." She said changing the name on the file folder.

"Oh okay." He said with a sigh.

She started off by drawing blood, taking his weight and so on. She had him remove the shirt and lay down. She covered his belly him some gel and started moving it around. I didn't need no blood test or conformation. I knew why my baby was uncomfortable and no I was happy as hell.

"Print of pictures write up your findings and have someone deliver it to the picnic basket by the waterfall, please." I mind linked Dr Hanna.

"Yes, Alpha." She said cleaning Coley up and did Bran helped him get dressed. He was just as excited as I was.

"Everything okay?" Coley asked Dr hanna.

"Yes, Alpha Coledee. Everything seemed perfect." She said smiling at him.

I never realized that Coley was loved by everyone he came in contact with. I believe that deep down Bran and I were in love with him and that is why we bullied him. Stupid male Alpha logic.

"Come on sleepy head I have a room to clean." Coley said patting my head.

"Okay then you need to get ready for our date. Dress in what you have on. It's nothing fancy or anything." I said walking him back to our room. I had chocolate to deliver.

I made sure to add extra to Wendy's stash. She would no doubt go all out for this dinner and I wanted her to know I'd go above and beyond to make her and Coley happy.

This was going to be sweet.

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