chapter 3

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Alpha dropped mine and Asher ' s things off at our new home. We carried everything to our rooms and stuck around long enough to make.sure we was settled in. Asher and I helped each other unpack before we made dinner. I couldn't eat and something was bugging asher since we got here. He wouldn't talk about it and it bugged me.

We both went to bed without eating. I made sure to lock my door and I dressed in pants and a t shirt instead of going to sleep in my boxers like I normally do.

The next morning I woke up and made breakfast for everyone before I met up with Luna Pearl and my mom to move in the twins stuff. Their stuff smelled amazing and I wanted to roll around in it. It smelled like home, like a happy childhood and my two best friends.

"Let me see your room, Coledee." My mom said once we was done with all the twins stuff.

"Mom it looks like my room at the Alpha and Lunas house." I said chuckling.

"Show me." She demanded.

"Yeah." Luna said from behind us

"Okay." I said with a sigh.

We walked down to the basement to where my room was and unlocked the door. The room was white with simple furniture like at home. A twin bed, dresser and a small table with an alarm clock.

"No windows?" Luna asked sounding a bit mad.

"Don't like it. Come home. You need to just come home." Mom said getting upset.

"Mom I still have to unpack and then you can help me decorate. I'm sure Bain and Bran will let me make this room my own. I'll hang the pictures you gave me. We can make frames and stuff. I'm okay mommy, I promise. Maybe you could some stay the night once the Alphas are home." I said hugging her. She doesn't know how bad I wanted to go "home" with them.

"Oh that's sounds like fun, I'll help decorate." Luna said.

"And sleep over." Mom giggled.

"I don't think Marts will like that." Luna said laughing.

"He could come too." Mom said giggling.

"We will have to talk to him about it, maybe for the first night the twins are home. I can't wait to see my boys. I miss them so much." She said sadly.

"6 more days." I said smiling at her as I pulled her it a hug.

"We need to get the party plans on there way. Cole I think I'm going to borrow you the a couple days before they come home. I want to get them some special gifts. I'm so proud of them." She said pulling back and heading for the door. My mom followed her.

"Good night guys,link me when you get home. Love you." I said walking out to the Lunas suv.

"Love you baby boy." Mom sang.

"Love you, cole." Luna said.

I went back and helped the rest of the Omega's get the house clean and dinner made. Tonight we started our omega duties. Alpha demanded we have a day to adjust. Thank you Alpha.

Asher and I helped Conrad and Dellus the other two omega's of this giant house clean. They did the cooking and we did the clean up. We all worked well together. Conrad and Dellus were mates so it worked out for them to be in the same house and be assigned the Thata and delta. Once the Alphas find there mates or mate and start their family the house will be added on to with separate wings for the betas, that as and deltas. That's and deltas will share a wing. Omega's stay in the main house assigned area. Mom and I had a room or rooms not in the omega area. Because mom wasn't an omega before the rape. But with her family and mate abandoning her she become one to survive for the both of us. An Alpha is allowed to take in omega's like my mom and thankfully Alpha Marts did.

"Meeting in the main living room after your finished cleaning." Henry said making a strange noise leave Asher ' s mouth. I shook my head and finished mopping the floor.

"So what do you think the meetings about?" Dellus asked.

"Probably just wanting to assign us to certain things or welcome us." His mate Conrad said reassuring him.

I had a bad feeling about this meeting and I think asher did as well. We hurried and finished our stuff before heading to the main living room. When we got there four big men sat with a bag in each hand. And I knew what ever was in hose bags couldn't be good.

"Now that you are here, you are ours. You belong to all of us. You are not just here to please your assigned "family" you will take care of all of us and when the Alphas come home they will be pleased that we trained the four of you in every way needed so lessons begin first thing I the morning. But now for some rules. Rule number 1, is you will wear what is in this bag and only what is in this bag while you are in this house. And the outfit you have on now will be the only one you will change into if you are to leave this house. Rule number two, you can say good by to your rooms. Those and what is in them are under our control. You will be shown to your new sleeping arrangements when the meeting is over. Rule number three, you will tell nobody a bit what goes on in this house or you will be punished along with someone you love. Rule number four, you will do as yor told or be punished. Rule number five, after three punishments it will be concidered an act against your pack and you will be kicked out. So I recommend that you never be punished." Hunter said using his betas voice. We had to do as we was told. And it scared me. I've heard so sick stories about what these two have done to past lovers and I don't like it.

"Now strip and fold your clothes up and place them in the lock box in front of you."Pauly the thata said smirking as Klass the delta recorded it with his phone.

We had no choice so we stripped locking our clothes away. The handed each of us a bag telling us not to open it until they said.

"Now dress." Henry said in a voice that ran shivers of discuss down my spine. But Asher made that noise again and hunter and Henry's noses both flared. But I didn't have time to try and figure it out.

I opened my bag and just about died. Inside was a belt looking collar, a jock strap and some small piece of fabric. I pull the fabric out and noticed it was a shirt of sorts. I pulled it over my head and it barely covered my nipples. I hurried a pulled the jock strap on. The collar was almost to much for my wolf. He was almost surfacing. But I pushed him down and put it on. I hated it.we all hated it. Putting a collar on a werewolf was like lower then low.

"Follow us ladies to your new rooms." Pauly sang. I followed behind a sick looking Asher.

"This cages will be your new home. Each one of you have a cage assigned to you. You will eat and sleep in them. The only time you are allowed out is to do your chores, whatever we tell you to do or if we need to be present for some kind of pack function." Hunter said.

"Dellus this is your new home." Pauly said. Dellus was shaking. You shouldn't really separate newly mated wolves that accept each other. Dellus kept begging Conrad to help him with his eyes.

"You really shouldn't separate him from his mate. It's not good." I said even know I knew it was frugal and would get me in to trouble.

"Well mister breeder your not allowed mates in this house, so they will both get use to it our die. Now no one is to speak unless spoken to next one who speaks will get punished. Let make that rule six or seven." Kluss snapped. Dellus started to shake and cry once the cage was locked. Conrad was trying to control his wolf and Asher was pale as a ghost and looked lost.

Conrad was placed next , he was in a cage in the gym. Asher was placed in the bathroom and I got to be right in the living room in front of the window that had been tinted you could see out but not in. They had a fake wall that hid me and I knew then that this was it. I wold die in this cage. We had a small blanket and pillow along with a bowl of water and a bucket I'm guessing for bathroom use. The cage was for a large breed of dog and my wolf was going nuts. A caged wolf will turn feral if left in his cage to long. Lord help everyone if that happens.

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