15 - Wonders

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It only tasted funny, there were no side effects, or anything. Then I felt it, my body was becoming weaker, and weaker.

I feel Jayden force the book into my hands and he grabs Jacob by the shirt.

"Jayden, what are you doing?" Jacob asks.

"You really thought I could be tranced from a potion? That potion only affects vampires, and guess what," he says as he walks closer to Jacob.

"I'm a hybrid," he pushes Jacob up on the wall.

"Jayden, stop acting up— this is serious," Jacon looks down at him.

"I know what you're planning, Jacob," Jayden growls at him.

Jayden twists his head and looks up at the 3 stones on their shelves," Danielle, I want you to go, and get those stones," he says.

I weakly get up off of the ground and look at them, holding onto the book, "how do I know this isn't a trick," I say as I try to spit out the blood that Jacob gave me.

He looks at me with reassurance in his face and repeats, "go get the stones."

I turn around and see Elana, Joanne and Melia walk out of the portal.

Joanne grabs the book and turns through the pages, "he's right, Dani go get the stones."

As I walk to the shelves and grab all 3 stones, Joanne keeps on talking to me, taking me step by step.

"Now grab the stones, and crush them until it becomes a powder."

Jayden was still holding Jacob up on the wall..

Taliyah walks into the area and looks at Jayden and Jacob.

She vamp-runs up to Jayden and Jacob, "Jayden, what the hell are you doing?!" She yells as she pushes Jayden onto the ground.
I finish crushing the powder and I insert it into a potion bottle.

"Hey, Tay!!" I yell from the top of my lungs, she turns around and I throw the potion in her face. She falls onto the ground, suddenly everything stopped. All time stopped, everyone froze.

"Guys?" I walk around.

"Guys..." I walk up to Elana and I immediately black out.



"Dani? We said Happy Birthday!" Mom smiles.

I shake myself out of my day dream, "Huh? You're alive!? And Tay-- you're meant to be in the full blooded dimension!"

"Woah woah, I'm only 13, I don't expect to be doing that kind of stuff," she says.

"Tayliah, you're evil! Mom she's going to kill you!" I yell and stand up.

"Dani... What are you talking about?" Mom asks.

I grit my teeth, "was it all a day dream?"

"Dani... don't know what you're talking about," Tayliah shrugs.

"B-but Taliyah was Charlotte! And you turned evil--" I yell.

"Shut up," Taliyah smirks.

I look at everyone and run out of the room, I grab my phone and call Melia,
"Mels... By any chance are you a vampire?"

"Dani-- you're crazy," Melia laughs. I hang up and lie down on my bed.

"Woah..." I breathe out.

Theres a knock at the door.


"Dani! Someones here for you." Mom yells.

I run downstairs and look to see Jayden standing there. Irun to the door, step outside and shut it behind me, leaving Jayden and I outside to talk.

"Jayden.. I had a vision-- a day dream that--"

"We were all vampires, I was a hybrid, Taliyah and I got stuck in the full blooded dimension and--" he continues listing things but I cut him off.

"Wait.. How do you know!?" I ask confusingly.

"Because I had it too..." He says.

"I talked to my parents about it, they said if its a vision seen by two people, then it was a glimpse of the future... And what we saw is going to happen," Jayden quietly says.

I look at the ground in shock, "so... Tayliah killing my parents is going to happen?!"

"Yeah.." he says.

"Oh my god, how did this happen?! It was so real! I could feel myself there," I groan.

"Actually, its how the full blooded dimension works. Whenever the dimension feels like its under attack, they send all half blooded vampires, hybrids and werewolves back to when the whole journey started," he says.

"Oh my god..."

The end

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