2 - Happy Birthday.. Or not..?

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Tayliah's POV:

"I slept safe and sound, until midnight, mom woke me up and drove me to the backyard," Tayliah says.
"my fangs grew out of my mouth, and my eyes turned a dark red. Mom gave me a bag of blood.
At first? I was disgusted, but then the crave grew bigger,"

Back to Danielle's POV:

I shriek, "ew, is that whats going to happen to me?"

"Well, vampires need blood to survive," she says.

"Ugh, don't vampires eat any human food? Like donuts?"

"Well I mean, you can, but you probably won't like it," she says

I shake my head, "trust me, I'll like them," I say.

I walk around the room, "I just hate the idea of drinking blood," I roll my eyes.

"You'll get used to it," says Tayliah.

"I hated that one time when I opened the fridge and a bottle of blood fell out and stained my jeans."

Tayliah gives me a pair of jeans, "Yeah, sorry about that," she laughs.

I grab the jeans, "thanks."

She stands up, "hmm, I may be younger than you but hell-- I act way older."

"You're a vampire, you're gonna live forever!"

Tayliah laughs, "yep, its pretty cool."

I get off Tayliah's bed and I walk to my room.


The next day..

"Morning, Danielle! Happy birthday!"

I wake up to find mom, dad and Tayliah standing at the edge of my bed with wrapped presents.


"It's your birthday.. You're 16!" Dad smiles.

"Oh! Oh yeah,"

"Go on! Open your presents." Says mom.

"Can I open them later? I'm gonna' meet Charlotte and Melia.

"Alright, be home soon!"


I get dressed and meet my best friends at the rock pool.

"Happy birthday, Dani, we have the whole day planned out for you! Starting first with swimming."

I nod, "great, let's go."

We head to the beach (which was like, 10 metres away from the rock pool) and we jump in. Then we go ice skating, then to the donut factory. It was by far, the best day.


As I walk home, I notice someone on the other side of the road, the foot path next to me. It was Jayden.

I continue to walk while looking down.

"Have a good birthday?" He asks.

I turn around in shock and he was standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Uh.. Yeah..! It was great."

"Heres something from me."
He hands me an envelope and a box of flowers.

"Y-you didn't have to--"

"It's fine, I wanted to," he says.

I then feel the heat rush up to my cheeks and my legs begin to stiffen.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow?"

"Yep-- definitely."

I continue to walk home as I look at the flowers, waiting to open the envelope when I get home.


At home...

"Dani, hey, had a great day?" Asks mom.

"You could say that," I walk upstairs.

"Wait! You have to open your presents!"

"Let it go, mom, I'm sure I know what's up." Tayliah smiles.


I sit on the edge of my bed and place the flowers next to me, I open the envelope and it read:

Dear Danielle,
Hope you had a great day today,
You're a great.. Person.
Never forget that,

I smile to myself and sit there, thinking for what it felt like hours.

That night...


During the night, I keep on tossing and turning, I couldn't sleep.

I feel a sweet taste in my mouth, I sit up and poke my finger in my mouth, I use my flashlight to see blood on my fingers.

Shock fills in me as I run to my bath room, turn on the light and look in the mirror.

I was pale, my eyes has dark shadows around them, sort of like black eye shadow.
Then I feel a sharp pain on my tongue, it hurt as if I bit my tongue.

I open my mouth to see sharp fangs at the top.

"O..oh my god,"

I back away from the mirror.


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