3 - Vampires And Parties Don't Go Well

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I look in the mirror again and completely freak out. I stand up in the speed of light, "I.. I want blood,"

I walk down to the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing a bag of blood and drinking it.

"Are you okay, Dani?" Tayliah asks.

I jump and look back to see Tayliah, dropping the bag of blood on the floor.

"Okay.. Danielle listen. You cannot tell anyone about your vampire side, okay?"

I look at her with blood dripping down from my mouth.

I slowly nod, completely not hearing what she said

Tayliah nods as she slowly walks out of the kitchen.

I look at the floor, the blood blag had exploded and stained the floor, it looked as if someone has been murdered. Blood was on the cupboard, the floor, my legs.

I go to an auto-pilot and walk up to my room.

The next day...


I wake up, get dressed, and head down stairs.

"Morning, family," I sit at the table.

Mom smiles, "There's my--"

"Don't say vampire," I grit my teeth.

"I was gonna say girl, but okay!" She laughs.

"I can't believe it happened," I hold my head in my hands.

She laughs, "Anyway, here's a bag of blood to take to school."

"What about donuts?"

"Go on, try them," Tayliah places a plate of donuts onto the table, I grab one and eat it. I was immediately disgusted by the taste.

"See? They're disgusting, aren't they?" Tayliah laughs.

"Yeah," my eyes widen in shock, "I can't believe it."

"Well come on, you're going to be late," mom packs the blood bag in a lunch box and places it on the table.

I grab the lunch box, "how do you get these bags anyway? Don't you have to kill humans?" I ask.

"Well, yes, but we get our blood bags from a dealer," says mom.

I drop the bag on the floor, "I- I was kidding!" I choke and wipe the blood stain from my shirt.

Tayliah giggles, "I'm off, see you later."

At school


"Hey hey girl! What's the g-- is that.. Blood on your shirt?!" Asks Charlotte.

My body stiffens, "I.. Had a nose bleed today."

"Are you okay!?" Charlotte exclaims.

"Um yeah, anyway, what's up?"

Melia smirks, "There are rumours going around that you and Jayden have some secret relationship going on."

"What? But he only gave me a box of flowers."

"Yes well, apparently Avery was watching,"
Melia points to a blonde girl with shiny blue eyes.

"Of course," I roll my eyes.

Avery stands up on the table, "okay everyone! Theres going to be a party at my house tonight, everyone must attend!" She says in a mock voice.

"A party? Great! I'm up for it!" Melia cheers.

A party.


After a long day at school of going to classes, hiding in the bathroom to drink blood. I go home and get changed into white jeans and a black shirt.

I end up meeting Charlotte and Melia at Avery's house.


"I see Henry!" Melia cheers over the loud music.

I make the hand gesture for her to go.

Then Charlotte spots someone,
"Hey, Dani! Can I--"

"Go ahead," I say.

She smiles and walks over to a guy, I didn't know his name. I walk around to the drinks table, where Jayden was standing against the wall with Katie standing next to him.
Katie and him had this strong relationship. I remember back in freshman year, I noticed they really liked each other.

I shrug and pour some water into the glass. Then all of a sudden I get a craving for blood. I look around in worry as make my way to the back yard.

Jayden's POV:

I notice Danielle run out to the backyard, I wanted to see what was up but she doesn't even know me that well, plus, Katie and I have known each other forever. Danielle's probably fine.

"So yeah! And I was like what are you doing?" Katie giggles.

"Hold on Katie, I'll be right back," Jayden walks outside.

Back to Danielle's POV:

I run into the bushes, I notice Katie standing by the front of the bushes. Wasn't she just inside? Whatever, I didn't care in the moment. I grab Katie from behind and cover her mouth as I push her against the tree and bite into her neck.

I hear rustling in the bushes so I grab Katie and face her the other way as I continue to bite her but I drop her on the floor when I see Jayden.

He stares at me in shock, I stare right back at him. My fangs showed, blood was dripping everywhere and I was pale.

"You.. You're.. Danielle..."

I shake my head and use speed to compel him, "go away, pretend you didn't see anything."

My heart was beating fast, knowing I had killed my chances with Jayden.. What does he think of me!? I killed his crush! I turn around and bite my lip as my fangs stay there. I begin to walk away.

"Danielle, wait."

I hear him run after me, I use my speed to run away.
I hear him run super fast too.

I stop at the edge of a cliff, I look next to me to see Jayden's feet there too, I feel him look down at me, I don't look at him.

"Danielle, look at me."

I shake my head.

He gently grabs my wrist and turns me over to him. He had fangs, his skin was pale, his eyes were pitch black.

"You.. You're--"

"A vampire."

I look at him, looking at his fangs, his face.

I did not expect this.

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