Chapter 22

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They begged us to stay for the second movie, and I kept telling them no, but I realized I had just made a really bad impression with Liam's family.

I fucked up big time.

I'm not paying attention to the movie. I'm really frustrated with myself. We're still being everyone, but they keep looking back at us.

I see Mrs. Ashton glance back for the tenth time this minute, and I feel like I'm going to cry.

I'm not even touching Liam. They told us we shouldn't touch, but I don't care. I'll touch him if I want to. He's laying down with his arms behind his head, and he's actually watching the movie, but I'm really upset.

I'm upset because everyone is mad at me.

I'm upset because my parents clearly care more about my sister than they do about me.

I'm upset sister thinks I'm a slut.

I think that's the main reason.

My little sister genuinely thinks I'm a slut.

Tears well in my eyes. I bury my head in my hands. Liam is still next to me.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

His family doesn't trust me anymore, either.

I know everyone is looking at us because they heard him talking. I lift up the blanket he's under and get under it too.

"Abby." Mum says.

I ignore her.

Seriously bitch?

For fucks sake.

His shirt is off. He bunches it behind his head to prop his head up. I lay next to him, and he puts his arm around me. I rest my arm against him, entwining our legs together, hiding my face in his body.

"Liam, I'm so sad." I whisper. "Your family thinks I'm a terrible person now, my whole family is disgusted with me, my sister thinks I'm a slut. I mean, I'm so unwanted. You know your family's approval means everything to me. Now I lost it. All of it."

"No you didn't." he frowns. He's not bothering to whisper.

I don't want to cry like a bitch in front of anybody tonight.

"I think I'm just going to leave." I say quietly.

"No. Stay." He begs. I shake my head and sit up, tears in my eyes.

"I love you." I rest my left hand over his chest and lean down and kiss him.

"I love you too. Don't leave."

I don't answer him, I just silently get up and leave.

Nobody says a word to me.


Well now I'mfucking pissed.

I'm pissed she left, because I just want to hold her.

I'm pissed nobody asked her why she was crying, or why she left.

I stand up and shut the movie off.

"Okay guys, what the fuck." I say, angry.

"What?" Mom asks.

"She just left crying!" I say.

Why?" Zeke asks.

"Because her sister thinks she's a slut, because her family is disgusted with her, because she thinks that she lost my families approval. She's upset now, and she's on her way home in tears! Every three seconds you guys were looking back there! If you're gonna get mad or disgusted with anyone, get mad and disgusted with me. Leave Abby out of it."

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