Chapter 6

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Liam is in such a bad mood today.

We bought a boat and it's raining, so we can't take it out. He was already pissed off when I woke up, and he's been pissed since. I woke up around nine thirty an it's already four.

He's been mad at me all day, for the most part. His brother and parents are just kinda staying quiet.

They probably think we're fighting.

His Mom's face is riddled with disapproval of the way he's treating people.

By people, I mean me.

I'm about to yell at him. He's pissing me off.

I take a deep breath to calm myself before I ask him.

"Do you remember if we put my computer in the storage unit?"

"No, I don't fucking know." He snaps.

I was trying to hold on.

Really, I was.

His mother sighs loudly. His Dad crosses his arms, and Zeke cringes.

"Liam, I'm not your fucking bitch. I don't know who the hell pissed you off, but I'm not gonna sit around and let you be a bitch to me when I didn't do anything."

He looks up, startled.

"I'm not fucking doing anything!" he says, outraged.

"Well fine then. When you realize that you actually are being a fucking prick, you can come find me. Until then, don't bother me."

He looks fucking pissed.

I stand up and walk into his room. I throw on my sweatshirt, not his, and a pair of flip flops. I grab my wallet, keys, and phone, and then I walk back into the living room.

"Where the hell are you going?"

He's angry.

I ignore him and slam the door.


"What the fuck!" I say, pissed. "I didn't do anything!" I snarl.

"Liam, you've been treating her like shit all damn day!" Zeke says.

"No I haven't!" I hiss.

"Yes you have." Dad says.

I rip the curtain aisde to check if she's actually leaving.

She is.

She's fucking leaving!


Liam is being a dick today.

"She has a got a lot of fucking patience. I'd have punched you hours ago."

Luckily, I recorded hm being a fucking prick.


I wait until after dinner, and then I start one of the videos and hand him my phone.

He watches it.

"Zeke," he starts, pissed.

I scroll to the next one, and I show him that one.

"Liam, do you think Izzy is doing drugs?"

"I don't fucking know, Abigail. I'm not a fucking mind reader."

I keep showing him them, nonstop.

The sun is already gone. It's eight at night. Abby left at four.

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